Best Buy Booty Call

Hey Foxes.

Jamari here with a photo to share.

I am crushing pretty hard on a partcicular dude that works at Best Buy. Trust me when I say, the view from the front is just as good from the back. He is a little short but, I don’t mind sitting on that mushroom….

Something about the dudes who work in Best Buy….

Anyway, I went in there earlier today and it was all eyes on me. I hate when they play the staring game. Come and ask me something!

Keep you posted.

Brought to you from the FoxBerry

9 thoughts on “Best Buy Booty Call

  1. We must go to the same Best Buy because you ain’t never lied when you said there is “something about the guys that work at Best Buy”..LOL, you know how you see a guy that is so PHYNE that it literally makes your eyes AND something else moist!!!! That is the eye candy that works at the Best Buy by my office. I periodically take lunch time strolls just to get a peep of that eye candy…chocolate skin, broad shoulders, a muscle-clad ass stuffed into a pair of Dickies kahakis…need I say more??? OMG the dude is STAMPED and BEAT and he KNOWS it!!!! Ok let me go!

  2. My boy..uh manfriend works @ best buy! Its something about the uniform and their knowledge of electronics! lol

  3. nope…figure out a way to give him ur digits,maybe via
    a third party…and leave it to him. IE…a sales ticket
    with it on there etc. Foxie….are u shy…dont be and
    yeah ,best buy guys is cocky ,so we lov that. But I say
    he need more booty..

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