elon musk says slavery was cool beans because everyone did it in history

i won’t even hold you but i didn’t pay attention to elon musk.
i know he was responsible for the self driving cars,
but he was “i don’t know her” as person.
i was forced to know him once he bought twitter.

pours out likka out for the dead bird
many of miss what you use to be.
Maybe one day,
you’ll raise from the dead and be a zombie.

twitter was once one of my favorite sites for news and updates.
elon turned it into a cesspool or hate,
main characters,
and a place to jack off.
elon be fonting just anything on there too.
he is saying we don’t much anything about history with racism

so what is his point exactly?
is he trying to bring back slavery?
wasn’t be born in south africa?
didn’t his family benefit from slavery?
this is a very tone deaf take from him.
aren’t they all?
these days,
its like some jackals are trying to rewrite horrific things in history.

“Slavery wasn’t THAT bad guys!
Other people did it too!”

they don’t even taught in schools down in florida.
how did we even get here?
we know…






























lowkey: i ain’t calling it x.
it’s daddy named it twitter so ima call it twitter.
learn to deal!

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