sonya massey could have fared better with the prowler than the police

Have you updated your “in case of emergency” contacts in your phone?

if not,
i’m judging you heavy.

you know how it goes when election season rolls around.
out of nowhere,
black folks start dying and chaos begins to ensue.
the tragic death of sonya massey in illinois is just the beginning of the madness…

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the gays are the reason the kids are all turning gay!!!!

Do you ever wonder what goes through someone’s head when they spew pure hatred in public?

where is the home training?

they strut out in public,
going HAM about communities they don’t hate,
without a care in the forest or other people’s feelings.
they acting like burner accounts brought to life.
a Foxholer sent me a story about a gay male,
encountering hate at the gym.
some jackal barged into the sauna,
spewing his venomous thoughts about gay men and…

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i’d like to speak to the manager about this weird timeline we’re in

This picture is going to be on the latest in Trump merch on

what a weekend.
the headlines were buzzing with many celebrity deaths,
but the biggest story?

Our ever-no-subtle Trump.

that attention jackal made sure to dominate the weekend with his close call.
assassination attempt.

what’s wild is he didn’t turn his head

He could have been history and made it all in the same last breath.

it makes you wonder if that was one of those life moments where,
if it had gone left instead of right

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if only kamala harris would be herself, we’d believe her

A controversial statement but Kamala Harris bugs me.

i’ve aired my grievances about her many times.
my main issue?
she doesn’t feel authentic.
you know when she feels authentic?
when she is in shady bitch mode.

this is when i think she is the most “herself” and i fux with that heavy.
i love when she is shady and bitchy tbh.
it’s like she’s always “putting on” for the black community.
come voting time,
she pulls out the pander card.
her appearance at the bet awards really annoyed me…

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when you want to leave your main for the side that gives it to you good

have you ever met someone who seemed to be exactly what you were looking for?
in the beginning,
it’s perfect!
you feel like it’s a match made in heaven.
as with most relationships after the honeymoon phase,
and you both start getting use to each other,
things start to change.
the spark fades and you’re left clinging to “the incentive”,
whatever that may be.

imagine meeting someone new
while you are with your main.
someone who blows your mind.

the chemistry is undeniable,
the sex is phenomenal,
and every encounter feels like an adventure.
they’re exciting,
but they lack “the incentive” that your main has.
you start to wonder if you could look past it.
could you give up the familiarity and stability,
even if it means downgrading?

Is it worth leaving your main and starting over?

this is the dilemma i’ve been grappling with…

Continue reading “when you want to leave your main for the side that gives it to you good”

on a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you hate ser criston cole?

Ser Criston Cole from House of the Dragon might just be the most hated villain in the Game of Thrones universe.

…and the reason why is because he’s so damn relatable.
unlike joffrey,

and cersei,
who wore their bad behavior on their sleeves,
ser criston cole is someone we’ve all known


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