stefon diggs wouldn’t have had to drug me so i could hitch a ride

I been trying to sit on this seat for YEARS and judging from these latest allegations,
it sounds like I could have.

mmm mmm mmm.

some things i hear/read in the Foxvine,
i’m not too shocked.
i mean,
do we even get shocked anymore on beyonce’s 2024 internet?

it’s always something with these batch of humans nowadays.

NFL baller wolf for the Texans,
Stefon Diggs,
allegedly being bisexual wouldn’t be shocking to me.

hyper-sexual males always check the bi box tbh.
so apparently,
stefon was dickin’ down cardi b while she was 8 months pregnant.

and apparently,
he was trying to dick down chris blake griffith too…

Continue reading “stefon diggs wouldn’t have had to drug me so i could hitch a ride”

i got too many f*ckin’ lemons rn and not enough stand

I want to take a moment to thank every single one of you who supports me,
whether in words,
or by simply being patient with me while i’ve been working through my issues.
Your understanding means the world to me.
Some days are harder than others and I’m grateful for the space to grow,
and get back up again.
Thank you for sticking by me.

Now about those fuckin’ lemons.

we all know the saying:
when life hands you lemons, make lemonade“,

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they want you to drop dead so they can say the vaccines did it

I’m not even gonna hold you,
but I’m strictly a sofritas burrito/bowl fox at Chipotle.

I was introduced in 2019 and I’m into it.
( x feel free to educate yourself if you don’t ).
I’m really into the veggie menu as well.

I’ll do a week or two where I eat strictly veg.

when i see tweets like that,
where someone’s linking vaccines to everything under the sun,
it just makes my head hurt.
i’ve been around jackals who get almost giddy

At the thought of everyone who took the vaccines to drop dead.

…just so they can say/font,
i told you so”.

…as if the lives lost were some twisted validation of their paranoia.
people love to preach about all that went down under the rona,
but they conveniently forget how much of the “good shit” is toxic too.
fonting about the good shit

Continue reading “they want you to drop dead so they can say the vaccines did it”

my Foxhole survival tips for the corporate trenches of hell and high water

Have you ever wondered why we all feel this pressure to overachieve at work,
even when we know it’s a trap?

this morning,
pose hit me with a question that stopped me in my tracks:

“Have you learned any other lessons from working in corporate?”

the truth is…

Continue reading “my Foxhole survival tips for the corporate trenches of hell and high water”

“so, anyway, i started blasting…”

I had to wonder:
Have you ever just had to curse God out real stink?

i woke up feeling on top of the forest,
with a perfectly curated plan for my week.

by evening,
life threw a curve ball straight to my gut.
i did what any rational but slightly unhinged new yawker would do

Continue reading ““so, anyway, i started blasting…””

flowers in the trash still won’t smell good

Have you ever noticed how we try to find flowers in the trash?

last night,
i caught up with a friend who are is in the middle of separation/divorce.

she has latched onto a rebound.

A jackal that she knows is a complete disaster.

at 37,
with two kids,
weight gain from stress,
and insecurities eating away at her…

Continue reading “flowers in the trash still won’t smell good”