Do folks not have pride anymore?
i always said that if i ever messed with someone who is married,
cause i can be honest about my hoeness,
i am cutting it off the moment he wants to leave his partner.
“I’m unhappy.”
“They always bugging me.”
“I’m tired of them washing my clothes with Tide.”
i don’t know.
whatever excuses married hoes make when they want to leave.
i don’t need him to be anything but dick,
and a good time.my holes ain’t free.
here is the thing to always remember…
When you take on someone’s headache,
they become YOUR headache.
sneaking around is always going to be exciting.
fuckin’ someone you aren’t supposed to be fuckin’ is the thrill.
the sex is good because he is fuckin’ you like a pure bred whore.
his spouse is getting cute sex; you’re getting the filth and debauchery.
the dick hits different because it ain’t yours.
You’re renting and don’t have to deal with the added expenses that cum with owning.
once the deed transfers to you and you own that dick,
from many examples in history,
it NEVER ends well.
people never seem to understand this.
i may never understand it either.
He may have kids,
they own a home together,
and they split finances.
Once he leaves,
he has alimony to pay along with child support.
I gotta split time with him and his kids.
Worse is I gotta hear about how his ex is annihilating his pockets.
Court cases and all this other nonsense.
you can keep it.
so when i see porsha williams is divorcing a jackal she was messing with while married:
and come to find out he is an alleged scammer ( x on the way to being deported ):
Sounds like she better stock up on Advil.

I wonder if Porsha got him to put something–a house, a trust fund, anything–in her name, in addition to anything she’ll sue for as part of her divorce settlement?