why is it okay for jesse watters to say this tho? it was out of control

*investages jesse watters*
July 9th?
A Cancer?

i saw something yesterday that left me seriously disturbed.
i mean,
fox news does tend to serve up some questionable content,
but jesse watters took it way too far.
he decided to disrespect kamala harris in the most vile way possible…

that implication is so gross.
even the panel’s she-jackals took offense and that’s fonting something.
not everyone’s a fan of hers,
but shit like this?

they hit way below the belt.
he knew what he was doing with that smirk.
this jackal is married with 3 daughters.
i was baffled when he said this out loud too:

So why aren’t these folks getting dragged out of the spotlight?

it’s funny how quick people are to go to war for one of their faves.
mention you’re not into bey,

or nicki,
and you’ll find yourself in a social media battlefield.
when it comes to jackals like watters tho?

why is that?
many of our faves are female celebs and this rhetoric impacts them too.
when they throw hatred at kamala,
it’s not just about her.
this rhetoric gets seen,
and accepted
by the like-minded who push dangerous narratives.
our female relatives,
and peers feel the sting too.

what he said is completely unacceptable,
and honestly,
he should be dragged back to whatever cave he crawled out of.
let’s be real tho…

He’ll probably getting high-fives by other males and female pick-mes BTS instead.


lowkey: i’m convinced many straight males do not like the opposite sex at all.
i’m also convinced many vixens are okay with that as long as they are married.

5 thoughts on “why is it okay for jesse watters to say this tho? it was out of control

  1. Kamala Harris’s father Dr. Donald Harris is not a “mulatto,” an offensive term. He, like millions of Black Americans and Jamaicans, is a mixture of races but with dominant African ancestry. Her mother was an Indian Brahman Tamil, from southern India. She surely can claim to be Black and was raised as a Black child and woman.

    Jesse Watters gets away with all kinds of clownish nonsense but the misogynoir and racism this comment, like others he’s made, is out of bounds.

  2. Kamala Harris is not black. Her mother was South Asian and her father ( who is still alive) I apparently a Jamaican mulatto. So Kamala Harris is apparently a bit more black than Rachel Dolezal

    The one-drop theory is inherently racist.

    Trump is racist. I would vote for a yellow dog before I would vote for the convicted felon and rapist Trump.

  3. If this is the vitriol they are spitting on air, I can only imagine what they are saying when the cameras and mics are off. Its only a matter of time before one of these idiots slip up and get caught on a hot mic saying how they TRULY feel… and I can’t wait to see how they are going to play in our faces and try to spin it.

  4. I think partially because that is the rhetoric a lot of people expect from Fox. So most of the people who would be admonishing this type of statement aren’t listening in on Fox except for when they are looking for ammo against them. Most of the people who do watch them and would normally be offended will accept it because it’s aimed at someone who they don’t like. They agree with the sentiment, so they ignore the actual semantics. While it is obviously not ok, this type of thing is sadly what people have come to expect.

  5. Lord, that clown 🤡, that’s some of the craziest s#$+ I’ve ever heard. They need to rip him a new one!!! Kamala got them “up in the mind”. They don’t know how to take a smart, black, powerful woman!

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