when i write entries,
the plan isn’t for them go viral.
i don’t press “publish” with the hopes of it going viral.
if the entry does go viral,
but that isn’t why i have been doing this since ’09.
I do this for the joy of it.
this is my passion.
this is what i want to do and branch off into other avenues.
now some drops i can sense that Foxholer’s tails will wag tho.
for those of you who saw what happened 2 weeks ago,
ya’ll saw what happens when i drop scalding hot tea on here.

Sidebar: if you are still subbed to that Patreon,
everything will be posted in OUR SPACE going forward.
so this tiktok vixen,
is the one who dropped about td jakes being an alleged power bottom…
TD JAKES DID WHAT ?!?!?!? pic.twitter.com/loUSN8GqKF
— MYEi$HiA???? (@yungforeverrr) December 21, 2023
how did she find out this information anyway?
i feel like diddy’s camp is locked tf down atm.
unless he has a spy in his camp that is talking to everyone.
i guess she got it ( x here ) from jaguar wright?
it was her response to her new-found fame that made me side eye her:
Look at how happy she is lmaoooo And people in the comments are hyping her up . pic.twitter.com/ubCw9RXk6y
— nog nigga damn. (@pandasugarbutt) December 23, 2023

she posted about a prominent black figure,
one who runs one of the largest black churches in the united states,
and didn’t think she would go viral with her allegations?
so she was just…
another thing,
she already went hard with this and other alleged stories.
Don’t get scared that it’s all eyes on you now.
this is what comes with this.
tasha k has been sued and she still didn’t care.
she was off to the next scandal because that is what she wanted.
The next story needs to be up by tomorrow.
It needs to be whatever is going on BTS in the Jakes circle.
You need to start wrangling spies within the camps of Jakes and Combs STAT.
i don’t think the new folks realize what comes with this.
they’ll learn soon enough.
lowkey: the good news is she had td jakes SHOOK.
she had his hands shaking and shit.
she is positioning herself as “that girl” in the gossip space.
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