i have thoughts on the hugo d almonte IG press release about outing khalid

when i don’t believe a word coming out anyone’s mouth/fingertips,
i like to look into everything they’re telling me to see if they’ll slip up.

this is why i only go with receipts when it comes to stories.
anyone can say/font anything because pathological liars do exist.
hugo d almonte,
the jackal who outed khalid,
did his best IG press release to defend himself.

i have thoughts

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tanksnlove says he only goes gay on OF because he is 100% straight IRL

I’m so glad he decided to start showing up again.
He was going through a rough path but sometimes,
we all do before we step back in our sexy.

Now if only we can get him to use Nair…

so i have a question for The Foxhole:

Do you think the point of OF is to disengage from being straight and go gay for money?
In order to be successful on OF,
you need to be like an actor and do a different role than what you do IRL?

a Foxholer sent me a conversation with tanksnlove and…

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so you were trying to bag the married “maybe not straight” male on IG but…

…he ended up blocking your Finsta on IG.

a Foxholer slid into my DMs today with this spicy dilemma,
and it’s been simmering on my mind ever since.
first things first

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john gaines jr DMS are probably a war zone since he got a new apartment

in my social circle right now:

2 divorces.
3 breakups.

that’s the current state of my orbit,
and ever since we stepped into virgo season,
it’s been nothing but chaos in people’s relationships/marriages.
The Foxhole recently kept calling it:

There might be trouble brewing between Victoria Monet and John Gaines JR.

my foxy senses could sense something was up…

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you’re so good in bed, you can’t even keep a FWB? (eyebrow raise)

Let’s font about a statement like the above.

how many times has someone said/fonted this,
we get curious.
and it ends up being really mid?

i feel like when anyone makes a statement like this,
you gotta show TF up.
If not,
it’s giving a heavy:

after this drop that a Foxholer sent in…

i think the attentionisto who wrote that statement above might be a go….

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the boy is mine remix is brandy and monica featuring ariana grande?

when “the boy is mine” dropped in 98,
with brandy and monica belting out their soulful rivalry,
it was more than just a song.
it was a cultural moment.
the ultimate for young millennials.
i still remember Mum surprising me with the maxi single.


I’ll also never forget her apartment flooding just as Brandy was hosting MTV for the weekend,
promoting her new album and “I Still Know What You Did Last Summer.”

but what a year.
brandy and monica’s sophmore albums still hold a special place in my heart.

ariana grande is trying to capture that magic in her “yes, and?” era,
but nothing’s landing quite right.

even her duet with mariah failed to make waves but only a cute splash.
she tried re-doing “the boy is mine”,
but not like the OG,
but adding brandy and monica to the remix…

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