You Are Only Worth A Patty and Coco Bread With Cheese… So Bend Over.

Check this scenario.

You meet this Wolf here:


So check his portfolio:
He works at Home Depot, 25 years old, social weed head, and still lives with his mama.

Anyway, he already thinks you are worth something.
You haven’t even opened your mouth yet, but he already assumes you are at a higher value than him.
He is secretly attracted to you because of that.
You don’t realize this and only go on your feelings of loneliness and wanting to get fucked.
You cut to the chase and you let him lay some serious pipe on you.
You let him do this again, and again, and again because this is how you started it all.

Now your only worth fucking and he has slowly lost interest.

Do you give it up to the lowest bidder?

Continue reading “You Are Only Worth A Patty and Coco Bread With Cheese… So Bend Over.”

So… Which One Would You Sex for a Stack?


Continue reading “So… Which One Would You Sex for a Stack?”

You Won’t Get No Ass If You Sittin On Ya Ass

“It is like… 10am on a Thursday, why are you not at work?

Yeah, why are you not at work?
Vain made that excellent comment in an entry below.
One of which I couldn’t help but dwell on all night.
I’m getting up at 6am to go hustle and somewhere and there are Wolves who are in Dreamland.
I came up to a solid conclusion:

These Wolves today are rather lazy and broke…

I am part Fox/part money lover/I expect MUCH better.
Now I know that may have made say, “oh one of them!”

But hear me out…. Continue reading “You Won’t Get No Ass If You Sittin On Ya Ass”

Foxy Lifestyle: Affirm… Dammit.

What do you want?
I mean, really, what do you want?

I know what I want, but do you know what you want?

I dream of this….

Continue reading “Foxy Lifestyle: Affirm… Dammit.”

Budget This.

Gay/Bi men are use to a certain lifestyle.

I don’t know about you,
but I like to spend.
I like to look good and keep up with a certain lifestyle.
Eating out, shopping sprees, clubbing… etc.
Being single can be fun….

…But am I saving money in the process?

Good question.

Continue reading “Budget This.”

Video Girls (Jesus Help Em)

I love my video chicks.
They give great eye candy in the videos as well as the parties.
You think such a beautiful woman that has men at her beck and call would be thinking with her brain.

She is thinking with her pussy and apparently it doesn’t have alot on it’s mind.

Continue reading “Video Girls (Jesus Help Em)”