Tag: lamonte stennis
does lamonte stennis have buyer’s remorse with dante the body’s mouth?

what a disgusting thing to font.
i’m so glad some of ya’ll dragged him back to reality.
so ^this was his excuse about his rendezvous with dante the body.
they always have excuses,
don’t they?
he claims dante didn’t have permission to do do what he did.
ya’ll remember what he did?…
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ya’ll are mad at the monster we created called lamonte stennis?
why are ya’ll mad at lamonte stennis?
he still ain’t hurt your feelings hard enough yet?
he has the best bawdy and thighs in the game so ya’ll ignore his violence.
so i was sent this and i was like…
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lamonte stennis thinks ya’ll are reaching about dababy being homophobic
lamonte stennis isn’t going anywhere.
he literally started something that would keep most gays wrapped around his finger.
An event where gay men can ogle fine males,
touch on them and if they’re lucky,
get a penis on their forehead for a selfie.
…including with himself.
he tapped into a market that has black vixens and gay males attending by the boatloads.
i mean he knows what type of time it is:
lamonte has always been opinionated,
especially his past views on trump since he’s a proud republican.
a foxholer sent me to his page where he might have been defending dababy…
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is lamonte stennis determined to turn off his main fan base?
out of all the attentionistos,
lamonte stennis of exotic paintings is one who disappointed me.
maybe it was his muscular ass thighs that hypnotized me?
he decided to be really obnoxious about his trump supporting.
we have to accept others will have different views than us,
but when you say things that are a literal turn off?
a foxholer sent me what he posted and i’m thinking to myself…
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foxmail: king stennis out here trying to mess up people’s jobs over maga?
some of these attentionistos need to be on their best behavior in these forests.
the foxhole is everywhere and they’re always watching.
i got an interesting and alleged foxmail about lamonte (king) stennis on tuesday.
as you know,
he is one of the h-p-ic at “exotic paintings” and pure bred trump supporter.
a foxholer saw him in the chicago airport and he had an incident with tsa.
this is the dm from said foxholer…
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why is lamonte stennis trying his hardest to turn us off? (geez louise)
does he hate us?
as much as i can fall into lust,
i can fall right the fuck out.
lamonte stennis aka king stennis,
of the naked sip and paints fame,
was fine af to me.
i’ve seen him in person and he definitely looks better in motion.
as much as his thick ass thighs are his best feature,
his rabid trump supporting ways aren’t.
it isn’t that he supports trump that is the turn off.
you can support whoever you like.
it’s this shit…
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