i knew santa would not disappoint my foxy desires!
tis is the season for scandal…
so can we expect a porn career for 2013?

chad ochocinco thinks keith lee is an opp for black owned restaurants
when i was working at a stressful job run by black people, i was told that i needed to "play the game". even if things were terrible and i was damn near wasting away, i needed to appreciate being at the job because it was a black company. in a…

Ochocinco Has Alotta Balls! (Or Alotta Sausage?)
"sometimes im glad celebs have social media accounts." that was the message from an f-bi i received just now. it had some pictures of a foxhole "love to hate" baller wolf, chad ochocinco. well chad was obviously bored when he posted this gem... "tell me when you're cummi..." oops! sorry!…

Whose Ready To See Ochocinco’s Peen Picture?
it was a about time. i was expecting a sex tape. guess i lost that bet with myself. some jump off allegedly leaked the picture during a showdown with evelyn on twitter. evelyn was throwing dirt at her, so the jump off proved she was about that life. that "ocho"…
His body is beautiful…i bet he is a super freak!!
I wanted to see his candy cane and his chestnuts lol
not worth seeing….
Damn! I want to see the whole video to see how Chad goes to work!
this guy is still attempting to be relevant? with his teeny dick?
The link is already dead
i see it perfecting!
is it down???
Where is the rest? I want to know if he can put it down.
^love how he asked her if it’s in her stomach.
The question is, was the tape before or after Ev? They were together for over a year I believe.
I doubt that…. sad he is just pushing his shot at another chance with an NFL team father away.