leading ladies but lost males?


it’s hollywood’s leading vixens stealing the show again.
they gathered around the hollywood reporter round table radiating wisdom,
and authenticity.

it was a masterclass in self-awareness and vulnerability.
when i think of their male counterparts

I hardly find inspiration because their depth often gets lost in the ego.

while the feminine dissect their layers,
the masculine seems stuck playing the role of the stereotypical asshole.
“look at me!
i’m what being masculine is supposed to represent.

a psychopathic cyborg who has no other functions besides fighting and fucking.
i just break everyone who tries to love me in my quest for nothing at all.”

it’s rare to see a male step into the spotlight with the same level of introspection and honesty.
kendrick lamar might be the exception for me.
has his introspective moments too.

Why is it that so many men shy away from embracing their softer,
more reflective sides?

strength lies in confronting what we hide,
not masking it with bravado.
i think this is why we get caught up thinking strength lies in the presentation of muscles.
its always interesting to me that those same males can’t fight and can’t fuck either.

as these vixens shared their truths,
age and experience shaped them,
but their self-awareness shined through every word.
some are still figuring it out; others have mastered the art of authenticity.
while hollywood’s feminine energy continues to dominate the narrative

The males could take a few notes.

lowkey: i love when males take off the fur and get honest.
males struggle and its inspiring to know we don’t have to play pretend for society.
we can be honest and say we have daddy issues,
someone we loved broke our hearts,
or we are ->this close<- to ending it all.

and love come when we are honest.

If you wouldn't say it on live TV with all your family and friends watching, without getting canceled or locked up, don't say it on here. Stay on topic, no SPAM, and keep it respectful. Thanks!