he called her a whore; they called him the “n” word with the hard “r”

in life,
there’s always that one person(s) who strays way beyond the beaten path.
they might try to make the forest a better place,
but let’s not forget what the joker said in “the dark knight“:

“Everything burns.”

that’s the vibe i get from myron gaines,
the red pill podcasting attentionisto behind “freshnfit
he’s supposed to be the next andrew tate,
and honestly…

Why on earth would any guy want to aspire to be…

i stumbled across something wild over the weekend.
he legit just called this vixen “a whore” for no reason at all

…but in this “jackal ate my face” moment in a alpha white male space on elon’s swamp:

these types like myron never learn,
do they?

lowkey: when will some of these folks realize they are being tolerated?
they aren’t actually liked or even accepted.

they are simply used as tools to drive hate towards people/communities.
it gives a heavy house vs field tbh.

lowkey 2: i’m starting to think these “alpha males”…

… know the term “no fats; no fems” means very well.

If you wouldn't say it on live TV with all your family and friends watching, without getting canceled or locked up, don't say it on here. Stay on topic, no SPAM, and keep it respectful. Thanks!