has td jakes been on his hands and knees at diddy’s crib but not for praying?

i’m going to be so tight if the following about td jakes is true.
tighter than him might not be.
you wanna know why?
i’ve been going through it and i’ve turned to his sermons these last few weeks.
i’ve even started going back to streaming his church.
i saw this live last sunday!

i even cried.
he is very inspiring but i’ve been hearing some wild rumors about him lately.
one i heard is he allegedly owns a part of the shade room.
i can’t confirm or deny that.
next is that he alleged attended diddy’s parties “after the party” and…

in a nut shell:


if this alleged shit is true,
i’m going to lose my entire shit.

i’ve had some really bad past experiences in churches and this would end it for me.

Why can’t some of these church folks just do right?

if the person that christian keyes is hinting at goes down,
and td jakes is next in the burn book,
it’s gonna be like armageddon out here.
it’ll get rid of the jackals but…

Who will black folks have left?

6 thoughts on “has td jakes been on his hands and knees at diddy’s crib but not for praying?

  1. No wonder Black Twitter is going crazy with “power bottom” trending. Personally, I never saw TD as a bottom, verse most definitely!! Lawd!!

    1. Personally, I never saw TD as a bottom, verse most definitely!

      Really John? I never saw TD as anything sexual! I do not want to think about him having sex. Same way straights were Mammying Oprah, I don’t want to see somebody who looks like him bent over, doing the bending, naked, NOTHING!

      1. I’m with you. Never looked at Jakes as sexual…period. But, as someone else said – we really don’t know these people behind their personas. So, oh well. SMH and keeping it moving.

  2. Well Jamari instead of feeling horrified you should feel a sense of vindication. This TD Jakes thing it’s old tea for me so I’m not surprised. This should be taken as a valuable lesson, It’s sad that it has to take this level of exposure to get people to realize that these people who you put up on a pedestal are just human beings just like the late Bishop Eddie Long had to face his judgement before he left this world all the others are no different whether big or small, so just sit back and be prepared for more gagging as 2024 quickly approaches.

  3. Somebody on LSA said his new name is T.D.Takes #powerbottom

    Also in January they will be releasing the Jeffrey Epstein list.Hopefully there aren’t any Black power brokers/moguls on that list of 150+. I think that list will include associates,victims and some of the clients of Jeffrey who had encounters with the girls he was trafficking.

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