do we really care tho?

We didn’t care that we gave that person trauma.
We didn’t care they needed a friend and we posed as an enemy.
We didn’t care they liked us and we took advantage of that.
We didn’t care we had power and used it to hurt others.
We didn’t care about their wounds after we beat them.

…but suddenly we care when the tables have turned?
we care about our past victims because we are in the position to feel like one.
i’m here to font…

THEY don’t care.

they might have cared before they don’t now.
so the latest:

Diddy is allegedly on self delete mode.

x read story here

…and let me font you that i understand.
he went from living on top of the forests and flexin’ a very extravagant lifestyle.
as of this week,
or whenever he got hauled off to jail:

…that has all changed and he has downgraded to being a regular.

He has to sit in a cell,
and feel like how many of his alleged victims felt.

i guess he can imagine how cassie felt in her own prison while she was with him.

we all get served what we dished out.
if we didn’t right your wrongs BEFORE we fell from grace:

I’m here to font you that nobody cares.

this is someone’s retribution for our bullshit.
this is someone’s “i told ya so” after being gas lit.
this is someone’s moment.

Let them have their moment.

…because this moment of care goes to the victims.

lowkey: i feel like diddy is too much of a narc to delete himself.
regardless if he is in or out of jail,
i think the damage to his reputation is done.
he needs to pass the torch to his kids
and let’s hope they do better.

If you wouldn't say it on live TV with all your family and friends watching, without getting canceled or locked up, don't say it on here. Stay on topic, no SPAM, and keep it respectful. Thanks!