dictator donald is what we might be calling him

I didn’t want to believe the rumors but…

when the forests whisper of smoke in the background,
you’d better listen up.
whispers are floating around about donald going full dictator mode.
the barks says that once he’s elected,
they’re planning to rewrite the rules of elections.
you read it right.

it’s all nestled within your “project 2025” welcome package.
this means donald might just extend his reign beyond the usual four years.
at a recent rally,
with christians hanging on his every word,
he let slip of these alleged plans during his speech…


it implies that when he finally decides to step down

Donald Jr. could swoop in to claim the throne of this nation.

…and that,
my future handmaiden tailed friends,
would be the endgame.

lowkey: if they overturned roe v. wade,
what makes you think this isn’t a possibility?

3 thoughts on “dictator donald is what we might be calling him

  1. How can you call yourself a Christian and support this deranged madman!! Christian and trump should never be mentioned in the same sentence!! But in 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 it says that God will cause them strong delusion, that they will believe a lie. That they all might be damned who believe not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. I’ll be voting blue and I encourage others to do the same. God is still in control.

  2. America would be great without 3 things :
    1) Racism
    2 ) Gun Violence
    3) Trump

    These 3 things always keep me awake at night . I can’t believe I share this country with so many fellow Americans who accept these things !!( Tears) ( sadness)

    Should I leave and move to another country ? Why do we accept these things ?

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