so i just took a break from a long work assignment.
i know.
“work on a weekend?
how dare they?”
i have 10 days to finish it.
i could have done it at the office,
but i want it done now.
i don’t know how it is in your neck of the woods but…
New Yawk has been implementing serious “sexual harassment workplace laws”
this means employers are cracking down on any bad behavior.
my training course for my job lays it all out and i’m learning a lot.
it’s rather interesting,
but i came to a conclusion about something…
Folks gotta be careful with sex and even flirting at work
it’s not a shocker that most people have sexual relationships at work.
we spend 8+ hours in the confines of an office or retail.
we get close to someone,
there is a hint of an attraction,
the build up happens,
and next thing you know you’re fuckin’ in an empty office after hours.
you don’t know who is secretly banging who at work.
or single,
someone is fuckin’ someone.
either for business or for pleasure.
bosses fuckin’ employees for level ups within the company.
you might even be secretly banging someone.
it’s all good when the attraction is mutual,
but i’ve seen shit go down after things go sour.
business being exposed
lies being told
folks getting fired
many of us have had “work wolf” type of crushes.
some of us go hard trying to make those crushes cum to light.
Unless he is giving the green light,
I say don’t even fuck with it
we might be feeling butterflies and on a high,
but the recipient might act like they’re cool,
turn around,
and fuck you.
fucked in a way you don’t want.
You end up being called into HR for making someone uncomfortable.
there goes your job and reputation.
you know some folks are highly sensitive nowadays.
some males homophobia knows no bounds.
some eye candy is just eye candy at work.
it needs to live in your deepest of fantasies.
unless it’s mutual between both parties,
and you’ve accepted the end result might be a shit show,
i wouldn’t take any chances.
these days,
i let males lead in work.
i’ll flirt,
but i hold back due to what i’ve been through.
You know pineapples will start rumors you’re gay because you smiled or stared at them when they walk by
be careful out here foxhole.
not everyone has your best interest at heart,
especially at your 9 to 5.
I’m at work to make money not socialize and hook up. Them thots can have a seat. I wish someone would try anything like this with me at a job. Then these hoes wanna wear tight assed clothing trying to show off wanting attention but as soon as they get it, they play the victim.
Narcissistic psychopaths and them straight dudes y’all be crushing on at work just as messy.
I work remotely but when I did work in the office I made sure them folks knee I wasn’t the one. Don’t talk to me cause you messy. I don’t want any of you….not even you Barbra, I got a man…
This reminds of that story about wa dumboman who filed sexual harassment against a dude. Funny thing is, the dude was gay and had to announce he was gay and why would he sexual harass a women.
Y’all watch out for some of these heterobots. They will set you up quick.
Jobs have always been very high-key hook up environments. A majority of people don’t even play it smart and go to hotels
At my last job both of my managers had the bravery to get busy in the managers office (they would turn off the office lights as if that was gonna stop the camera’s) and in the stockroom…which was on the sales floor. Nasty af honestly smfh. The trials and tribulations that come with intimate co-worker relationships isn’t worth it to me. I’ll stick to the fantasies and dreams.
There is a difference between corporate sexual harassment and non corporate fraternization. Of course any 9 to 5 office environment always has a fraternization rule. Damari and Michelle may be fucking around working at Foot Locker. However, Michelle doesn’t know that Chris been sucking Damari off in the back room while she on the register or on their lunch break. Places like that, somebody is sleeping with somebody. Whether it’s heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. People get in their feelings and want to get corporate involved when it was good when they was having their cake. Now that the cake is gone, they want corporate to do something. If it’s personal, don’t bring it to work, leave it at home; anywhere outside of work.
Jamari, thank you for bringing this to light. I recently had cross eyes with a Bi guy that looked like “rip” Joshua Brown in the colleague bathroom, and It was mutual. However I was in another situation where my straight colleagues would play with the fact i’m gay and jokingly ask if I like them with pointed fingers or their associate and i though nothing of it. Well, they would use that joke eveyday and I felt a certain way about they way they carryon casually and I knew it was not going to end well. Until a new a colleague of mine was welcomed and my trouble making associate saw us talking. Well one day my new associate pulled me aside saying did you get the news? Well the trouble making colleagues told him I would do such and such to him, and I told him they are up to no good and he was understanding of my side. However he told me my boss already got the news and he would straighten it out. My boss pulled me aside the next day and told me to avoid the trouble making posses. Boy my colleague were ready to throw me under.
^ WOW!!!!!!!!
they are ignorant af.
i really get disgusted at idiots
Boss and new associate have your back!
As a Black man in corporate America, you also got to deal with when you aren’t feeling someone who is feeling you and how they take it. I’ve had my share of upper level, peer and subordinate white women who have not taken it well that I didn’t want to mess around with them.
they will turn on you quick if they can’t fuck you.
as soon as they invite you to happy hour,
you know what they want.
i don’t think they take to masculine black gay males like a black vixen might.
If you date someone, you need to think about if you can handle the fallout if it goes bad. And at work, When, not If it goes bad, you’ll still have to see them everyday. You never know if they’ll get their higher education degree or get promoted and now be in charge of you.
Date in such a way that if you broke up, your life would not be affected.
^when work wolf and my friendship ended,
and he did what he did,
it was so uncomfortable.
imagine if he got down and we were fuckin?
i’ve seen folks had to quit after a break up at work.
fwb can go left as well.
it can work if folks can keep it super quiet,
but that takes work.
I’m relatively new, so not sure who Work Wolf is. May I get a date so I can go through the Foxhole posts?
Work Wolf is this FINE ass light skinned dude Jamari was crushing on then became friends with but work wolf messed it up with listening to outside people and ghosting Jamari without a valid reason. it starts here:
And the rest is under this tag here: