“One thing the Powers That Be could count on is promiscuity and humanities inability to temper their sexual behavior.” – Khalil31
the powers that b know that many of us are idiots.
they know what traps to set and how some of us fall in each time.
why lift a finger when they know how people will react and respond?
you tell us one thing and we will fight to do the opposite.
we will whine and complain about our rights to protect our safety.
some are arguing the recent stats about monkeypox are homophobic.
it’s really ridiculous and all could be prevented.
imagine catching the trifecta of pokmemon…
and you can take that how you will…
Researchers in Italy report first case of someone testing positive for monkeypox, COVID-19 and HIV all at the same time
— BNO News (@BNOFeed) August 24, 2022
More details: Man tests positive for monkeypox, COVID and HIV at the same time https://t.co/TTJYM6sqTk
— BNO News (@BNOFeed) August 24, 2022
gotta catch em all?
imagine catching all those things at the same time.
for some,
they’d break down in tears.
others would find some way to use it for clout.
( x sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise too )
i keep telling ya’ll the humans will be the ones to destroy this world.
i think it’s being set up to be that way for us to become extinct.
the animals and the planet might rejoice tbh.
you see how happy they were when we were on lockdown.
lowkey: the following is even more graphic because it comes with a picture.
i’m warning you before you dive deeper…
read more: here

I am tickled that you sourced me preluding your post.
‘Mari, it’s giving celibacy till 2025.
Let me invest in some sextoys, cause NOPE!
I bet him catching hiv probably made him more susceptible to other viruses. Hiv (untreated) does a number on your immune system.
Oh hell naw, who and what the fuck was he doing?! You caught all of it at the same damn time! Un un, where the vaseline at, I’m good. Don’t come near me unless you use hand sanitizer before you touch ANYTHING. Its time for disposable sheets.