I feel like I’ve been lied to!!!
it’s like i just found out santa doesn’t exist and that really isn’t mickey walking round disney.
1 – I wanted to catch Santa in the act because I was always a little investigator.
I woke up and saw my mother and step father putting my presents under the tree.
2 – Went to Disney as a kid and when i hugged Minnie Mouse,
I saw white skin under the black stockings.
all this time,
i thought trump was running his social media.
every single tweet or truth social came from his fingers from his own phone.
no matter the time of day,
he picked up his phone to type his nonsense.in my head,
he only had one app on his phone that they taught him how to use.
i saw this today…

this feels like false advertisement.
i would have been fascinated if he was in that room typing up that mess in all caps.
he was typing and they were looking shook by what he was posting.
the fact he is telling some blonde what to type and blondie is the one who posts at 3am…

lowkey: can i font you the bernie folks HATE tulsi gabbard?
one of my good friends is a bernie bro and he HATES tulsi gabbard.
the way she stood by bernie and then switched to grift for trump has them fuming.
she is def a traitor and i’m wondering why bernie hasn’t addressed her yet.
Here’s the thing that people don’t want to get honest about, but we really need to have a conversation about “ Old people” and respectfully when I say old I’m talking about the elderly people who are in there 70s, 80s, and beyond.
I like “ Old people”, I’ve been around them my whole life; but being around old people you see Joe Biden and Donald Trump for who they are and what was going on. We all will age and some will age differently; when the decline happens it can happen fast and in a hurry. Joe Biden is clearly in the process of decline which happens with age and so is Donald Trump who is only 3 years younger.
Joe Biden’s decline was more visible but the reality is we don’t even know what Donald Trump even looks like in real life which makes it hard to judge his physical decline, but we definitely see the mental decline as well. The problem is that the media has failed and is failing the United States and the American people.
This idea that Donald Trump at 78 practically 80 was able to actually campaign and hit all the stops, stay on message, and have substantive policy conversations while tweeting all night on a diet of McDonald’s on its face is absurd.
Trump is senile!!! He won’t be running the country either!! It’s all about POWER, those Republicans won’t to retain power.