sooooo that presidential debate with trump and kamala harris?! (ay yi yi)

i don’t even need to font this for The Foxhole…

Last night’s debate between Kamala Harris and Trump?

utter disaster.
i mean,
eye-openly bad for him.
kamala snatched donald’s wig,
threw it on the floor,
and used it as a hacky sack.
the moment she mentioned his rallies,
it was game over for what was holding his mental health together.

Foxhole tip: the quickest way to unravel a narcissist?
Bruise their ego.

two of the things i really loved…

1) She went over and shook his hand.
No matter how dirty your opponent plays,
always remind them exactly who you are with a firm handshake and eye contact.
He couldn’t even look her way the rest of the night!
With Hillary tho,
he couldn’t keep his eyes off her because she didn’t intimidate him.

Foxhole tip: when they are dipping’ and dodging you in public,
more than likely,
they are scared of you.

another highlight that was my ABSOLUTE favorite of the night:

was this the immigrant that was eating the cats?

Foxhole tip: when they’re making up lies about you,
it often sounds very unbelievable and downright weird.
They need to make sure the story they are selling about you makes the other idiots gasp.

kamala delivered a masterclass last night.
trump is fonting that he was the winner:

how anyone can still think trump is fit to run this country is beyond me.
he looked like he forgot why he was even on stage.
on the other hand,
proved this is her moment.
whether you like everything about her or not,
you can’t deny she’s the better choice.
let’s hope we all have enough common sense come november because cannot go back.

lowkey: taylor’s silence was deafening and a little irritating,
but i think she finally saw what she needed to see.

i loved she addressed it all and signed it childless cat lady.
points for that nuke.
i’m starting to think vance and trump aren’t on the same team.

2 thoughts on “sooooo that presidential debate with trump and kamala harris?! (ay yi yi)

  1. OMG, not Alf, I cracked up when I saw that, and then to use it in its proper context, salute.

    Trump Lost the debate, the minute he started talking about abortions after birth and Linsey Davis had to fact-check him, then to imply that immigrants ( mind you they are talking about Haitian immigrants) were stealing people’s pets, eating cats and dogs, it was over. What’s wild is that people want to get mad that he was actually fact-checked in real-time. The media did its job, you can’t just get on national TV and say unsubstantiated outlandish things because it gets the people going, there is and used to be a responsibility to the public not to let misinformation stand.

    My issue with the coverage around Trump is that everyone keeps us in so much chaos that we never even look at his actual presidency from 2017 – 2021. His presidency was a disaster and Covid was just the icing on a horrible cake, but somehow, Covid and his response to it doesn’t count? Republicans always want to talk about crime and burning cities, but we forget that happened in 2020 under President Trump’s watch. Trump had his 3 AM call (COVID-19) and he failed the country, we all lived it and survived it but somehow we have erased the memory; perhaps it was too traumatic.

    To answer your question, I don’t believe anybody believes he’s fit to run the country, this isn’t about policy it’s about white identity politics and what a diverse America means for the white collective and their position in our society, for some not all.

  2. First of all….get ready for the Swifties for Kamala! They’ll be out in droves, hopefully to counteract the idiot Trumpsters.
    Second of all….speaking of those same buffoon Trumpsters, they will die at the alter for the stupid things that always come out of this mouth, no matter what. Every racist, misogynistic vitriol bullshit that comes spewing out of his piehole, they eat with relish. That will always be his target, “rallying his troops”, if you will. For that reason….
    Third of all….I almost vomited when ever he opened his damn mouth. For those exact same reasons.

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