so i watched joker 2 and i have thoughts…

last night,
i decided to take a risk and watch joker 2.

the reviews slammed it so i went into it with pause.
for those two hours,
i put my phone on DND and paid attention

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we have a lot to get to

Last night,
I honestly expected something different from the VP debate.

deep down,
i was hoping for a real housewives-style reunion showdown,
but instead,
i got civil and respectful between vance and walz.

am I really so programmed to expect drama and content first?

from where i sat,
even though walz was clearly nervous

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sooooo that presidential debate with trump and kamala harris?! (ay yi yi)

i don’t even need to font this for The Foxhole…

Last night’s debate between Kamala Harris and Trump?

utter disaster.
i mean,
eye-openly bad for him.
kamala snatched donald’s wig,
threw it on the floor,
and used it as a hacky sack.
the moment she mentioned his rallies,
it was game over for what was holding his mental health together.

Foxhole tip: the quickest way to unravel a narcissist?
Bruise their ego.

two of the things i really loved…

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did the gays really turn our backs on lil nas x for nle choppa?

NLE Choppa is the hottest topic in the forests right now.

he’s the new wolf everyone’s got their hard on,
and with tracks like “slut me out 2”,
can you blame us?

i came across this tweet about the gays turning their backs on lil nas x for nle choppa

…and while the response is spot on,
i’ve got a few thoughts

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so i watched kamala harris first presidential rally and…

i’ve had my doubts about kamala harris in past entries.
she got on my nerves due to her past pandering.
they’ve all gotten my nerves because of that tbh.
i watched her speech yesterday in her first presidential rally…

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so i kinda watched the ’24 bet awards and…

another year; another bet awards.
we go in expecting greatness and left wanting a v8.

i ended up catching it late because i dropped cable a while ago.
so i was settled into starting the first season of “the boys”,
but one of my BFF vixens alerted me BET had a free stream on their website.
so like getting dressed and going to a last minute invite,
i was left feeling

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