so i watched the rihanna concert at the superbowl and i have thoughts…

rihanna is the talk of every forest today.
as you know,
she performed a highly anticipated concert with a football game.
everyone and their mama tuned in just to see her.
this is how she did…

…while the nfl act like haters with the youtube video.

so my thoughts on what i thought of it

It was a Rihanna performance and I’m satisfied.

 rihanna does what she wants,
which adds to her appeal and star power.
she isn’t a high-energy performer like beyonce or lady gaga.
rihanna doesn’t “do” high energy.
she is is very minimalist because her catalog of hits speaks for her.
that being fonted,
it was a very basic performance on a super smash bros stage.

i think it worked better in person tbh.
i’m sure all those floating stages in person would be dope to see.
in a perfect world tho,
without a pregnant belly,
i think this would have been ideal:

She could have split the performance into 3 parts.
Island vibes,
the club scene,
and dark moods.
Each set would have music accompanying those eras.
There would be a lot more Bajan representation.

Somewhere involved would have been a mini SavagexFenty show.
Maybe along the line,
dancing lipsticks and blotting pads from Fenty Beauty.
All kinds of brand promo up in there.

Drake and Jay would have popped up for their hits with her.

we are used to really “this is who tf i am” superbowl halftime shows.
madonna coming out on a chariot.
beyonce within the flames.
gaga bungee jumping off the roof.
katy perry on a robot cat.
michael jackson just standing there in all his glory.

I think most people were expecting something like that,
especially how hyped it was for her “return to the stage”.

…but she decided to do it alone with death-defying stunts.
rihanna said,
this is all you’re getting and you’ll have to deal“.
even trump and akademiks were upset:

sorry for ya.

lowkey: i think she is over this music scene tbh.
why wouldn’t she?
she seems to have found her passion elsewhere.

8 thoughts on “so i watched the rihanna concert at the superbowl and i have thoughts…

  1. Look I like both Rihanna and Beyonce but if we are to be honest I think Rihanna totally upstaged Beyonce with this performance.

    #1. Better fashion, with that one red outfit Rihanna gave high fashion that will be talked about for the rest of the year and will undoubtably appear in many fashion editorials

    #2. Better set list. People may hate but Rihanna has 14 #1 hits that puts her in the top 10 artist of all time, she is the only one technically apart of that conversation of this current generation. You have the Beatles, Mariah Carey, Elvis, Rihanna , Micheal Jackson, the Supremes, Madonna, Whitney Houston, Stevie wonder, and Janet Jackson. Now to be fair to the greats they usually were the only ones on their tracks and many of Rihanna have features, but Rihanna has the hits that stick.

    #3. Both artist performed while pregnant, so I give credit to both; but Rihanna did it on a much bigger platform being the Super Bowl on an elevated platform vs the Grammys or the MTV music awards

    The problem I have with the performance and forgive me if this makes me sound like a misogynist; but I don’t want to see a whole bunch of pregnant women performing. We live in a society of constant competition and people trying to out due the next. If we praise women who perform while pregnant we are going to start seeing the battle of the pregnancies and then the battle of the trimesters. She performed while pregnant, she performed while 3 months pregnant, that’s nothing she performed 6 months pregnant. That’s a no for me. At end of the day I think its a beautiful thing to be able to bring life into the world but it does take a tremendous toll on the body and while pregnant I believe its classified medically as a disability; lets just give pregnancy the space, time, and respect it deserves.

    Also just to be complete I liked the fact the Rihanna was rocking with Kaepernick and pretty much was like F the NFL. I think is was well known that the NFL has been perusing Rihanna for a long time, I just like the fact that she was taking a stand and I have to wonder what change; not completely mad just curious.

  2. Rihanna’s performance was fine to me. I loved seeing her after her long spell away. She’s giving MUVVVVAH. And don’t forget, she shows she is an LGBTQ ally with her Savage x Fenty work over and over. Love her!

  3. Yeah it was fine. Rihanna did Rihanna. Also she’s pregnant. I have to say. People keep mentioning Beyonce’s superbowl performance. It wasn’t actually Beyonce’s performance. It was Coldplay’s. She was just a guest along with Bruno Mars. Yes I too just recently learned that myself.

    I did think Jay-Z was gonna come out for Run This Town & Umbrella tho.

  4. I seen and heard a lot of criticism, but I LOVED It. Minimalistic, choreographed to death (featuring some of Janet’s dancers), and showcasing a “bops” catalog that surpasses her closest contemporary.

  5. I remember Diana’s performance of the Take Me Higher medley and her ascension in the helicopter for Superbowl 1995. LEGENDARY 🎈💖

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