i love a full circle moment.
so if you been part of the foxhole for a while,
you might already know who ^that is in the red pants.
folks on twitter wanted to know who he is after a foxholer sent me this video:
Somebody find out if red pants is single for me..???? pic.twitter.com/mZvZ6Lk8AS
— ZaddyMackDaddy
????️???? (@QshonBuckingham) May 30, 2020
well he was (is?) part of a crew that the foxhole is familiar with…
his name is rio and he use to hang tough with vinny and deven.
these days,
he’s a social justice warrior wolf down in atl for the protests and we love to see it.
he is looking even better from back then:
and going against the hunters with no fucks to give?
love it.
I think I need a trip down to “Rio”

He needs to use his anger on a nice juicy wet hole
Hey Rio wear the same outfit
So much respects for RIo. Different material from the other narcissistic COONS he use to hang out with. In the face of racism be mindful and remember not the one who is the racist but the one who was quiet.
Really? We’re glamorizing someone who is behaving like a damn monkey by destroying property and participating in civil unrest? What does him kicking out glass doors and windows have to do with George Floyd?
Why y’all out Rio like that, Instagram shut him down lol. I got mad love for Rio right now. Not only is he business smart, he street smart too, so props to Rio. Hope he don’t get arrested for that tho lol.
He is foolish for at least two reasons. 1.Participating in such foolish as rioting. 2. Destruction of property on camera. After such events occur, the police review video, identify law breakers arrest and charge them. My guess is that he will be in custody within six months.
Is exactly what I was saying while reading this.
Plus why were they damaging the CNN HQ? I’m confused. I’d understand FoxTV but CNN is literally covering the protests unbiased.
Cuomo had a whole monologue about White Privilege and how it affects black folk.
According to my friend, the police precinct is in the CNN building
Smh…. Crass.
Right. I know a stunt when I see one.
Exactly! Some folks will do anything for social media attention. It’s called exploitation.
He’s lucky he only got a small cut from kicking that glass! Dude damn coulda seriously sliced himself up kicking DOWNWARD like that, I saw that slight limp as he stepped away
He just got ten times sexier, we love an activist

He alright I’ve seen Men built like that standing on the corner here in Philly lol
Yeah I was wondering who he was when I saw him and others at the CNN headquarters on the news.
Small in all areas in person

Hot little pro-Black activist brotha, I LOVE TO SEE IT!
That body is bangin’, WHEW!
Another broke nigga y’all lusting over. With his fake woke looting ass

… say it his face tho