iphone cords and the bankhead bounce: the side effects of the jab from dominique de silva?

i’m gonna drag this attentionista this morning.
she got me feeling TIGHT.
i feel like the internet loves a good liar.
we make “influencers” out of liars.
the internet loves everything we see and choose to believe.
we have to be careful what we consume on this internet.
so many people out here are posting shit and we believe it upon first glance.
^that she-jackal,
whose name is dominique de silva (who goes by @queencitydom) from charlotte,
had me shook from taking the vaccine.
i saw this video right before i got jabbed:

…and had to be talked down from off the roof by my friends.
even tho i was shooketh,
i still ended up getting it but was paranoid af with the “what if?” questions.
so according to “toofab”,
this young karen was allegedly lying about the whole thing.
so much so,
she got her gofundme under investigation…

GoFundMe is investigating a fundraiser set up by an Instagrammer who claims she was neurologically damaged by the Covid vaccine. Dominique De Silva had managed to raise more than $17,500 of her $50k goal before the account was flagged, and all contributors offered a refund.

Real or not, GoFundMe told TooFab it was now investigating, having already taken down more than 250 fundraisers “attempting to promote misinformation related to vaccines.”“I can confirm that our Trust & Safety team is investigating and has reached out for more information,” a spokesperson told TooFab. “If any donor would like to request a refund in the meantime, we will process it for them.”“Fundraisers raising money to promote misinformation about vaccines violate GoFundMe’s terms of service and will be removed from the platform. Over the last several years, we have removed over 250 fundraisers attempting to promote misinformation related to vaccines.”

“It’s important to know that the platform is backed by the GoFundMe Guarantee, which means funds are guaranteed to go to the right place or donors will get a refund.”

a white she-jackal caught lying about something.
how stereotypical of her.
 reddit was the first place that blasted her for the inconsistencies.
( x see reddit here )
this video on her tiktok:

Watch on TikTok

…when you go to @0:07,
those are iphone cords attached to her fingers and her head.

this nurse on tiktok,
further blew her whole back out with this:

Watch on TikTok

even my good friend had this to font about it too:

i’m really annoyed at this alleged reveal.
it’s like when you find out someone was lying about having cancer.
there are real narcs and sociopaths that have access to the internet these days.
folks will do anything to get clout and it’s absolutely ridiculous.
you gotta be a full brand of crazy to post shit like this:

… and possibly lying about this whole thing.

many people are confused about covid and the jab.
when you see videos like this,
it causes many to be fearful of getting vaccinated.


some people are naturally sympathetic and emphatic to shit like this.
some people become anti-jabbers over shit like this.
they are like old folks who live alone and get got by the killer by shit like this.
she needs to be locked up if her story checks out as false.
i want her booked on terrorism and assault with deadly social media.
i don’t even care.

lowkey: more and more,
i’m seeing a lot of false information being passed.
it’s kinda scary.

read the full expose on toofab: here

3 thoughts on “iphone cords and the bankhead bounce: the side effects of the jab from dominique de silva?

  1. Keep on playing with GOD and watch he make a fool out of you and give you what you making fun of

  2. Sounds like nickel leakage from her cellular device caused those imaginary symptoms. She resembles the typical Fox news clone. All those dry vacuous cunts and male cunts and disseminators of deadly, false, egregiously harmful, misleading information.
    Banish them all to the cornfield or turn them unto Jacks In Boxes like the Twilight Zone episode.

  3. iPhone cords?
    The definition of being white is truly doing the absolute most. Like..wow.
    There are people with actual adverse reactions and she’s playing for some funds.
    Hope she has to pay back everything she’s spent.

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