i won’t have sex with my white man for a week if my mind is on racism

So you know how this one here went viral for not being able to get a manz?

i was on the fence before but now i’m off the fence after i saw these videos

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i want to normalize some things in my life and yours

can we normalize

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so i was supposed to be in an online movie screening atm

There are days when you can’t help but feel like the devil is testing you.
Today was one of those days.

picture this:
i’m all dressed up,
ready for a paid online movie screening i’ve been excited about all week.

i did an NDA for it and everything’s set except,
the invite….

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katy perry liked kate middleton’s wedding dress and we NEED to drag her

i want people to continue bullying others for their opinions on things.
i want people to continue making people scared to say what they feel.

When some real shit goes down,
they will see how they should have let people just be honest.
While these folks are pretending to be on their side,
they are secretly working and voting against them.
See -> all the white women who voted for Trump secretly in 2020.
( x see here )

people are upset because in 2018,
please keep in mind it’s 2023,
that katy perry said something in cosign over kate vs meghan…

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what’s the weirdest thing you’ve been told not to do because it’s “gay” ?

that hand has been used to describe me more often than not.
that picture always unlocks a trigger.
i saw a thread on reddit titled:

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve been told not to do because it’s “Gay” ?

i know this topic all to well.
many of us were tortured by this growing up.
minding our business,
drinking our koolaid snaps,
and someone telling us something we are doing is “gay”.
i can name 2 that stick out in my head…

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cj harris allegedly died of the vaccine and you are gonna die like him too

american idol alum,
cj harris,
died of a heart attack today.
he was 31 years old.
i didn’t watch american idol but it’s very sad to hear about his death.
as i did my research on him,
the conspiracy theorists are saying…

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