i love talkin’ shit with The Foxhole.
nothing says “cozy vibes” like speculating about sexuality.
i just ask that it be truth cause i don’t do toilet water.
many of you bless me with evidence which makes it even more cozy.
so brother bilaal,
who was the “friend” and former assistant to will smith,
dropped alleged tea about will and duane martin.
( x you can catch up with that bombshell here )
so according to the root,
bilaal is ( x still doubling down on his outing of will and duane ).
so i have a few thoughts…
will smith has had alleged gay rumors of years.
duane martin has had alleged rumors of him dating will.
jada pinkett-smith has had alleged gay rumors as well.
the shock factor was the potential of the alleged rumors being true.
my next question is:
What’s next?
What is the end game here?
when we do things for clout,
there should always be an end game in the horizon.
if not,
the clout chaser is just trying to stretch their 15 minutes.
if this was extortion,
the clout chaster has played their best card by dropping the info.
did he get paid when he went tasha k?
so when i font what is the end game,
i’m asking:
Is Bilaal trying to become a public figure?
Is he out to destroy The Smiths?
Is he coming out with a movie?
Is he trying to be in a movie?
i hate to break it to him but once you spill the beans to the public,
unless he has more bombshells in the clip,
his role in our lives is pretty much over.
we got what we needed.
i need him to drop other bombshells or go back to being irrelevant.
We live in an age where many males are having same sex experiences.
Your homophobic co-worker on Grindr looking for a “sweaty pig to roll in a muddy blanket”

unless will was having sex with a kid,
a dog,
his daddy,
or was sexually harassing bilaal,
will is an adult doing alleged adult things.
one male killin’ another male with backshots is a week of conversation.
so for me,
this story is starting to drag.

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