i don’t understand most people.
i’m starting to think they do/say dumb shit just so they can go viral.
it baffles me the shit jackals say out loud that they don’t realize comes off offensive.
porn jackal,
ricky larkin,
seems to have that “tone deaf” problem.
he was trying to sound wise,
but ended up looking like a doofus.
he had this to say this about why black males aren’t visible in porn and well…
“If black people were just more attractive they’d have more visibility in the industry.”
Is what I heard.
Blaming blk ppl for their lack of visibility in porn bc of their appearance, but we see the same tired glossy m*th eyed YT actors over & over? pic.twitter.com/IxAaKD3er8
— Nico ニコラス (@Nicosaesthetics) June 24, 2020
weird because he isn’t remotely attractive to me at all.
he pulled this number in his defense:
You’re making shit up. I did more scenes with black men and women last year than you did total scenes your entire life. Just ???? before you look even more ignorant.
— ricky larkin
(@rickylark1n) June 24, 2020
“I’m not racist!
I donated money to obama’s campaign“.
now i will say that some of the major porn actors are not all that cute.
there are a few who turn me on when i see them,
but others literally look like villains from the ninja turtles.
i can’t name one white porn actor who moves the meter for me tbh.
that includes a ricky larkin.
i find most of the real fine black males are taking their talents to onlyfans these days anyway.
that being fonted,
i don’t think it has anything to do with looks,
but moreso the racism that happens in that field.
many black males,
regardless of looks,
aren’t visible because most porn companies are wack af.
ricky tried to clean it up with this statement on his twitter:
alla ^that doesn’t help what he said in the initial soundbite.
his dragging got so bad,
max konnor even called him out:
Some of our friends are mutual. I message them first- not to enlist support, but to let them know I’m sorry about this, bc I am. Regardless what’s being said- I am in support of more black men in gay/bi porn, and will continue to support the community. I don’t need your blessing.
— ricky larkin
(@rickylark1n) June 25, 2020
Wait wait wait wait hold up! pic.twitter.com/rbg3JPE5UD
— Max Konnor (@maxkonnorxxx) June 24, 2020
you know it’s bad when even max is dragging you.
i’m so glad people are truly stupid with their racism and hate in 2020.
it makes it so much easier to cancel them.
see his whole twitter defense: here
read more: also here
The only thing white and asian males offer are flat booties and little penis’
Stereotyping others is not okay just because they do it to us.
I agree Mansur^.
This comment is no different than saying that all black men offer is “BBC” which is actually as degrading as they come because there are many non-black men who think like this.
Fuck stereotypes.
I’ll talk smack about whoever I want, when I want.
And the gag is. Motherfucka you aint even goodlooking! The fucks!
He looks like a meth head and seeking work!! Horrible!!!
Khia’s phrasing of “Bassett Hound looking bitch” comes to mind when I see him…
Did this man take a look in the mirror? The MF nerve.
Honestly, I’m not getting up in arms about this one for the simple fact that black pornstars will still fuck this dude on camera if the check is right.
Black pornstars like Max Connor and a host of others literally degrade themselves for these white studios (race play and same tired thug tropes) on the regular and STILL have to dance in clubs, escort, and do onlyfans on the side for money.
To add insult to injury, much like they’re straight counterparts, they ain’t fucking attractive white men!
“Somebody ain’t doing the math right”
I was just on myvidster looking for anything sensual or just erotic and there was literally nothing, just the same old public sex or same scenes in some sparsely furnished house.
This huge void in adult entertainment and no one has filled it smh
I agree. Gay porn companies seem to think we don’t want any kissing. Not to mention every bottom has an open booty hole. I like to see booty hole suction around a penis. Like at least make me believe the bottom’s can feel the dick.
“Black pornstars like Max Connor and a host of others literally degrade themselves for these white studios (race play and same tired thug tropes) on the regular and STILL have to dance in clubs, escort, and do onlyfans on the side for money.”
Lol where is the LIE!!
Its just sad man
After sitting back and reading these comments I’m actually quite shocked at how gullible and (dare I say) stupid some people are! After all the hoaxes and “misunderstandings” that we’ve been digesting for the past few years I figured some of you would have your critical thinking caps on. Yet not one comment that challenged the narrative presented to you on this blog.
Before making up my mind on this story I took it upon myself to look deeper by searching this Larkin guy’s name. I found a couple of porn blogs that had more in-depth reporting on what occurred. And guess what? It’s a different narrative than the one you’re getting here. The little white queen (Kuper) who only recorded 12 seconds of that (now deleted) video failed to tell his Twitter followers that the original video was a 54 seconds long and Larkin had been debating this issue with several Black performers on Twitter before posting the 54 second video. Yet Kuper was only able to record 12 seconds??? Kuper also has a long history of being a shit starter. Far from the Social Justice Lord and White Savior he pretends to be online. As for this Ricky Larkin guy, I don’t give a fuck about his dog faced ass and I’ll never defend him, but he was trying to say “there AREN’T ENOUGH good looking guys in gay porn”… He didn’t say there weren’t any at all. He was saying the premium black guys will never do porn thus they don’t have visibility.. And if you’re honest, this is a point of view many of you have said yourselves at some point in time. But y’all keep raging on.
“People don’t care about the Truth when the Lie is more entertaining”
Charlamagne Tha God
Dude looks at least biracial, yet aging in dog years. He might wanna keep quiet about looks.
That said, racism is everywhere, including in porn, so if a black dude doesn’t have a BBC & abs, he’s likely not gonna do mainstream porn. And those ethnic studios are some trash. In general, there are better looking black guys than others, but it’s all stereotypical. That’s why problematic Max started his boutique thing – to teach others and raise MOC visibility. And many are going to OF and the like to control their own & make more money.
It’s all some bullshit
And there you have it.
Did that make you feel better about yourself to condecend the entire blog? Thank you for gracing this blog with your huge intellect. I am sure everyone waits for your comments with batted breaths.
Wheat you failed to mention is that although the message was 54 seconds, Ricky immediately deleted it which is why we only have the 12 seconds clip. If there is more to the clip Ricky clearly didn’t want it to get out.
Dude is always a condescending ass, while offering nothing of value with his comments.
Here’s the GOOD news. You are absolutely correct! I can be both “condescending” and even arrogant
Here’s the BAD news. I’m not gonna change who I am for you, or no one else!
You and your band of hyenas may have managed to run JAMMY off this blog because of your bullying but I’m not him! I don’t need your damn company nor your approval. You can read my comments and respectfully reply, or you can keep it moving by ignoring said comments. If and when my “condescending comments” are no longer welcomed on this blog, JAMARI will be the one to ask me to leave, not You.
Got it? lol
^so black,
first of all i have to say that when you comment,
i either look forward to two things:
something very insightful
something very snarky
i appreciate you coming to the foxhole because you have a voice and i welcome everyone into this community we have all built.
it’s all about delivery tho.
you come off very angry and lowkey shady.
i often want to say that i come in peace Lol.
think about it like this,
if someone was to deliver something to you,
and they were snarky and aggressive,
would you still leave them a tip?
i hope you can understand where i’m coming from.
it wasn’t meant to disrespect,
but it was an idea where folks might be coming from.
I appreciate you coming to the defense of those who attack people regularly on this blog for expressing an opinion counter to theirs. But as I said, I will not change who I am nor will coat my comments in a sugary glaze so that it may be more digestible to snowflakes. And really? “The delivery?” These are grown ass men! They can dish out “sass and shade” but wanna check me for mine? Um no!
In the future I would appreciate you sending me an email regarding my opinions and “delivery” on this blog. As the administrator and owner of this site I don’t think it’s a good look for you to take sides in petty swabbles unless you’re doing it fairly. I didn’t see you defending JAMMY when the same goons attacked him so viciously just because they disagreed. I didn’t always agree with JAMMY’s verbose comments but the dude DID contribute to this blog. Now he no longer posts here because of the toxic environment. Interesting…
^well black,
you seem very upset about this and have been carrying around quite a lot since the disagreements between the other foxholers.
it saddens me that you see the foxhole as a “toxic environment filled with goons”.
i want you to know that i acknowledge your comment and if anything,
i hope that those who may disagree with you can reach a common ground.
the last thing i’d ever want is for someone to come here and feel like they aren’t comfortable or safe enough to be themselves.
Jamari you came at this dude in the most respectful way possible and he still came back at you snarky and disrespectful. That says a lot about him. He seems to not grasp that you also have an opinion on matters and that sometimes your opinion also just so happens to be the same as those who he calls goons.
@ Mansur R Cotman-El
Speaking my mind while not following a bunch of pigeons and hyenas will always make me feel better about myself. But what really makes me feel good is when people like YOU read my comments. Knowing that my words found it’s way into your lost logic is all the gratification I need. Thanks.
And Rage on
lol i am a special snowflake because I don’t follow the crowd and I disagree with everybody. i made y’all mad cuz I disagreed huh lol
Y’all really think y’all be doing something.
Looks like someone is projecting. The Sensitive snowflake” is clearly you. You literally call the the commenters “gullible and stupid” for looking at the facts and reaching a conclusion different from your own, but you want to say you are being “bullied”. You clearly need to grow and mature. Someone like you who likes to attack others, and then cry victim when others call you out clearly can’t handle the foxhole.
You can condescend all you want, but at the end of the day your opinion is just that, an opinion. A lonely and flimsy one at that. You need more time to rippen because your thoughts aren’t there yet. One day you might be on the other “hyenas” level, but but currently you are underdeveloped.
Be blessed,
Where was the lie? I didn’t find one.
He was nice about it. Truth is; save for a few, they all look like ashy crack heads with BIC pen scribble on their bodies y’all call tattoos. and dont get me started on those lint infested dreds, bullet wounds, scars, and pock marks. yuck
What he was saying is they are not a representation of the community at all.
The jackals that have all their teeth, a tight fade, and have seen the inside of a gym are either all on OFC or mind their business in real life. shrug
Easy on the roids pal. Tbh, there aren’t that many good looking white/Latin/Asian guys in porn. A lot of them are just stick thin or roided up like this fool. Also, nobody is watching porn for modelesque faces. It’s all about the slim to muscular body, the huge “cock” and the ass. That’s it. Even in the dating world, facially average dudes know that they can be considered top shelf if they build a banging body.
The irony of him talking as though black men in porn need to step up their looks when they almost certainly have to be a cut above the rest to be considered on equal footing with Brody and them.
It’s sad really mofos get a gym membership n some steroids n meth and think they look like Odell Beckham or Brad Pitt and call others ugly smdh
Yep, my college roommate got hooked on roids and started to go a bit crazy. He started adding coke and his parents had to come get his crazy ass out of school because he was starting fights all over the place. He was a chill normal kid the year before. That stuff rots your brain. Back acne, and personality shifts. No thanks. I’ll be skinny.
He looked good when he started 10 years ago. But the steroids are showing on his face. Actually many of the west coast porn stars overdo the roids. MAX should watch it cause that’s how he went from twink Isiah to Max seemingly overnight.
My question is how the hell did he make it then if they are going on looks he is too far away from cute or attractive, and this Mfukka is 33, the Devil is a Lie, well hell Morgan Freeman must be a damn teenager. When a ugly dog face bitch who looks like he is the face of Corona has the nerve to rate somebodies attractiveness especially somebody Black when his face screams roadkill, I just cannot with this Fuckery.
I always thought he resembled XL just like a white version. Anyways Ill be damned if I am walking around letting a meth head live in my head rent free. Fuck this thing
Why would that matter to Ricky. He must know that his body is his draw. If he didn’t have that body he’d be seen as extremely unattractive. Maybe that’s it. Maybe he knows that in a non racist world he’d be out competed by black men.
Does no one see this is a Black man? A very unattractive, self loathing Black man?
^he is black????????
Look at his nose..his lips..his hair. That’s a black man. A DNA test would set that straight real quick. Granted, the Meth is eating him alive and even we ain’t that strong.
Naw this fool ain’t black.
He looks Italian to me .
I always thought he was biracial. But even if he is black, he doesn’t refer to himself as a black man…. at least not in the tweets surrounding this particular story. I agree with Jamari though…Part of me feels like this is a publicity stunt. He HAD to know that he was going to catch backlash after saying something stupid like that
I can’t imagine getting worked up over his bulldog looking self. It’s like getting mad at an ugly straight guy who claims all gay men want him. Why waste the energy?

nothing worst than the ugly straight jackal who thinks all gays want him.
the vixens font even want him.
what makes him think we want their scraps?
Bingo..well said.
Can’t lie, he was one of my favorites over the years. One of the very few who did scenes with all races, so THIS comes off very surprising. Damn, gotta cancel him.
Funny thing is I always thought he was biracial!! LOL
I thought he was cuban
That could explain the racism ..some Cubans are racist as fuck.
I agree. I hate to cancel him. He has a lot of good scenes out there that caters to a lot of fetish sites too. (which made him more appealing in my opinion). Time to cleanse my labtop of his scenes. Damn it, Ricky Larkin.
Blacks are the blueprint when it comes to Beauty, in ancient times the Greeks worshiped us because of how beautiful we are, one of the reasons were the most sexualized and envied. They hate to see it.
When were 33, we still look like we’re in our 20,s
His 33 looks like spoiled milk, and his last cycle of life.
When you know, YOU KNOW. Herodotus described us like ethereal celestial beings. All throughout history our beauty has been imitated and sought after.
To come for one’s looks, one’ own looks must not be that of a Haggard Pit Bull
Awe man not you too.. Ricky boy you got a lot of nerve and come off very bias and I recently saw him on Noir Males getting plowed by Dillion Diaz on that sofa taking that blk D. Pure disappointment.
Wow listening to Max voice made me kind of sad. All of these queens out here playing these hard ass thugs in porn. No wonder we have so much self hatred for any kind femininity in gay black men. He looks like what they wanted to turn Scott Alexander and Race Cooper into but they just couldn’t fake it like Max.
I loved me some race. I wonder what happened to him.
Max was doing bottom scenes before his breakout as the token “Black Dom top”. His voice sold it for me though lol
Please dont make this a conversation about feminity in the black gay community. Thats divisive right now. Can we just focus on the dumb $h*t that this white boy said? and have a conversation about that.
I agree. It is disturbing once your hear them speak. TJ Swann and Tiger Tyson and all the late 70s early 80s black stars, like Gene Lamar were amazing, manly and sexy. Even the bottoms .

The face of meth
That part!
His face got ran over a truck, so girl bye! Those comments are disgusting.
Did he look in the mirror before he opened his mouth…Yikes!
Some fucking nerves calling black men unattractive…Looking like a 80 year old man smh…just pathetic!
2020 is the year of the clown
The apology tour always follows when they get dragged.
His face looks attacked and stomped on…NEXT!
^how old is he?
he looks very old and young at the same time.
He looks like he was fat and lost a of weight.
OMG WOW. Um…. The white dudes in the major studios ARE NOT CUTE. You have to look at websites like SeanCody and Gayhoopla to find hot white dudes.
TimsTales has a bunch of hot men of all races.
Major gay porn studios from my understanding cater to the catty LA white gay crowd.
I would respect some of these actors a lot more if they just said “It’s what our demographic wants”.
Granted it wouldn’t surprise me if these major studios weren’t seeing a drop in revenue with new websites like Ebonymale and just Onlyfans in general.
If it says anything….Ricky is one of the better looking dudes
He’s supposedly 33!
^stop it!
you stop it right now!
It say he’s birthday right here.
he looks better with weight in his face.
in that default picture,
he looks younger.
“33” in white people years mean you look 80
He looks like death warmed over in that photo..
I’m gonna say this…and not be sorry about it….Just the thought of his DOG FACE ASS banging someone make my stomach turn flips!!!
^not stomach flips lmao