when the #kiachallenge causes a foxholer to send in a tip about himself

the foxhole sends in tips daily for my review.
from attentionistos attentionisto-ing to celebs and their drama.
not often does a foxholer send in a tip about themselves tho.
a foxholer is the victim of the latest tiktok challenge called #kiachallenge.
he happens to own a kia and it has been broken into three times.
the #kiachallenge trend goes as follows according to ( x nbcnewyork )

“It shows how easy it is to steal the particular brands’ vehicles because of a security flaw with the cars.”

this is what the foxholer sent in for our review

with video:

he even found himself on ( x his local news about the story ).

they went from eating tide pods to breaking into cars.
( x another young idiot died doing this kia challenge )
social media got folks doing the dumbest shit for clout.
ay yi yi.
maybe the government should ban tiktok?
i ain’t heard good things about that app yet.
if it ain’t making folks scroll zombies,
it has alleged ties to china,
or it’s making them do shit to compromise their lives or freedom.

for those who own a kia,
i suggest you take ^this seriously.
you don’t want to end up being another victim too.

*got a tip you think might be foxhole worthy?
you know how to find me.

9 thoughts on “when the #kiachallenge causes a foxholer to send in a tip about himself

  1. Thing is TikTok in China does not have this problem to what happens in the West . Only EDUCATIONAL and INSPIRATIONAL postings are seen on Tik Tok in China. Outside of China the filth and decadence reign supreme 😎

    1. The china version of tik tok is mess up too. Weird skinny body challenges.
      There was the printer paper challenge. Could you hide your waist and hips behind a piece of printer paper (held on portrait orientation). There’s so many challenges like that.

  2. What Malachi can do is get an immobilizer. I can’t believe in the day of age an auto manufacturer would sell a car without a theft deterrent let alone most of us have smart keyless entry that can be hacked. Apple sells $25 Airtags that does wonders by tracking where your car at but hide that shit somewhere. Someone should do a switch bait on these cars to teach these bad ass kids a lesson not to steal the car from hell!!

    1. ^ i bought and airtag for my luggage when i traveled recently and its the best thing since sliced bread.

      i have it my wallet and plan to get another for my keys.

    2. The other option is very low tech but it works: a club for the steering wheel. Old technology but it works. Just don’t forget your club key!

  3. So wait, in the article you have linked, the parents of the deceased are gonna sue the CAR COMPANY and not the actual driver/parents of the driver that caused the fatal accident? SMH

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