tiNa is becoming the new it girl in the black gay community?

I’m giving the same look as well.

back in the 80s and 90s,
coke was the party drug of choice.

in this decade,
it’s still the go-to for the elite but has been slowly making its way into the hood.
fonting of the hood,
once crack was introduced,
it was over.

growing up,
meth was the ultimate nightmare drug.
those meth ads scared my gay ass straight,
showing how it could slowly turn you into a gargoyle.

…but recently,
it seems like meth is becoming more and more accepted.

“AnYoNe GoT anY TiNA (meth’s alt acct name) to PnP?”

i came across a tweet that hit me in the gut,
and many Foxholers echoed the sentiment with their own stories and confirmations….

i had to ask myself…

Has meth, tina, or whatever it’s been coding as, become the new heroin for this generation of black gays?

and why?
of all the drugs out there,
why are black gays letting meth destroy them?

with the narcissism that’s prevalent in many black gays,
i’m confused why its being allowed itself in our circles.

this realization made me see that so many people need “something“.
we can’t just party or have sex on a natural high; we need something to take us higher.
i’ve heard that once you get that first high off coke,
you can spend years chasing it.
i can imagine that is why many turn to harder drugs.

in life,
we crave various highs whether its from events or experiences.
when hard drugs enter the picture,
they take those simple things to a completely different level.
we can’t feel or fuck without needing a hit.
when we crash,
we become living proof of why drugs are bad.
why do some need hard drugs to have a good time?
and why are so many black gays letting white gays introduce them to these hard drugs?

that was one of the main whispers i saw in the conversation.
is it to destroy our community?
it’s already holding on by a thread.

i guess the question to ask ourselves is…

What does true freedom and happiness look like without the crutch of drug addiction?

click for more information: here

click to read more from the tweet: here

4 thoughts on “tiNa is becoming the new it girl in the black gay community?

  1. It’s always some beautiful man with demons who wants to escape. I think white gays get them hooked during the bbc hookups much in the way Ed Buck did. There is research on white gay men using these drugs in their anuses to get Black men addicted to them and hooked on drugs, becoming clients/customers.

    It’s sad.

    Many of the pornstars/attentionistos are on it. People know. And joke about it.

  2. Black gays was using Tina and her friend every since 60s and the 70s. This isn’t nothing new.

  3. Black gays BEEN doing “tiNa”, it just wasn’t out there on front street as it is now. Back in 2015 my best friend ruined his whole life because of it. Just sad!

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