Lebron James is Ugly-Sexy

You ever see a dude who is not all that attarctive.
I mean, he is kinda hit in the face.
But he got that something that is attractive though.
He got some swagg that makes you want to give him some.

Well that is Lebron James for me.

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Thoughts Over Chinese Takeout

It has been one of those weeks.
Hell – one of those months.

I decided to turn my Foxberry off and cut myself from the world.
Friends, Family, and Potential Wolves – I’m on a mental vaca.
Sorry for the short notice.
I’m somewhere on South Beach mentally.
I may just be back in a week… maybe not.

Sometimes you need to step away from your current situation
and give yourself time to re-charge.

So on my first official day of vaca,
I ordered my usual (H10: General Tso’s Shrimp w. White Rice)
+ add my favorite white wine……..

… & I’m gooooooood.

But… a couple random type thoughtz are going thru my head.
Wanna hear?
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Off The Market

This picture turns me on.
It makes me think of a man who is in charge.
A man who is your protector, your lover, and… the man.

“I got this baby.”

Brandon Marshall gives me that.

Continue reading “Off The Market”

Miami Ho Bowl

Right now Foxes,
at this very moment,
some groupie bitch is getting some HARD PIPE and tryna get pregnant in Miami.

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