The Finer The Wolf; The More Intimidated The Fox?

To be “omg he is FINE” comes with it’s price.

I am sure to look like him above must have it’s perks.
You have the ability to make any Vixen wet and give every Wolf/Fox a boner.
You can also get discounts on free food and land great jobs,
but the problem is everyone is trying to get a piece.
You do not know who is real… or who is plotting to fuck you.
And when you aren’t attracted to the person, it can also create stalkers.
As great as all that may sound, it can be a tad annoying and downright scary.

I have an associate who finally met the Wolf of his dreams…

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The Journey Of The Great Fox


Have you ever stopped,
looked around you,
and asked yourself:


… and no,
I do not mean because of a slight case of amnesia.
I mean…

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I Hate Myself and I Wish I Were Dead


A word that can be like a big ass pimple before a photo shoot.
Don’t they just pop up at the wrong fuckin’ times?
Like, life can be going smooth and then some shit happens and you aren’t as sure of yourself as you should be.
You sit dwelling about what you should have done differently.
Replay the scene in your head and pause to analyze.

It sucks, but what do you think of this statement down below…

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Spoiled Meat on Twitter


I need your attention real quick.
I need you to stop what you are doing and read this verbatim.

Just look at this shit from my Twitter just now.

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You Wear “Insecurity” Well.

This just in!

Insecurity is the new black!

Wear it proud and wear it well!
Everybody is doing it and you should too!

Not Jamari Fox…

Continue reading “You Wear “Insecurity” Well.”