they didn’t care about you like you thought they did


this has been a really interesting year for all of us.

the fact we made it close to the end of 221 says it was a good year.
even though a lot of shit went down for me,
i (and you) are about to finish out Q4 strong.
many of us ended friendships and situationships this year.
i won’t lie but it hurt my feelings to see how things ended with some,
but my biggest thought was:

“They hurt me and no one has hit me up to even talk about it.
It was so easy for them to bounce.
All those ‘I love you’ and ‘You are so dope’ meant nada?

but the reality of why they haven’t reached out is simple…

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if you treated them like their ex, they would laid out the red carpet for you (life)

i’ve been thinking a lot about my life as of late.
where i went wrong with the jackals that i thought were in my corner.
it’s a real eye-opener when you wake up from the slumber of stupidity.
the more i apologized for reacting to their bad behavior,
the more it was used against me.

you think to yourself:

If I knew then,
what I knew now,
I would have had insert person here wrapped around my entire finger.”

many of those kind of people were doormats to bigger demons than them.
they met their match with someone else who didn’t tolerate their shit.
this following tweet really spoke to me today…

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ya’ll didn’t make me feel like i belonged

i don’t think you all know what a friend is.
my idea of friendship might be completely different to yours.
all this time i made excuses,
but i’ve realized ya’ll don’t make me feel included.
do you know how insulting it was…

Continue reading “ya’ll didn’t make me feel like i belonged”

when your own friend(s) don’t believe in your dreams…

pursuing our dreams can be tough.
we are told we can accomplish anything but it ain’t easy,
i’ll font you that.
when our own parents and family don’t believe in us,
we turn to our friends to stand with us.
they pull out their pompoms and cheer you on from the sidelines.
it’s that support that help us to keep going.
what happens tho when a friend that you have supported in the past

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it be like a scene in mean girls when penis is involved

i fux with mean girls heavy.
i’m sure i watched that movie over 100 times.
i own it to so…

vixens can be very catty,
especially when it comes to penis.
they will stab you on some jon snow/game of thrones shit…

…over a pineapple.
hell some of us as gay males get involved in their cattiness too.

Don’t have a dude be attracted to you and not some vixen you know.

She is in love/lust with his ass,
but he really is interested in you.


you won a gay or bi male!
the following video is the perfect example of vixen cattiness at its best.
3 “friends” were pulled into a prank.
 2 of the friends called one of their manz to see if he would cheat.
they were supposed to pretend they wanted to chill with him without the girlfriend.

Continue reading “it be like a scene in mean girls when penis is involved”

my friends f*cked each other, f*cked me, and karma f*cked them

there was a vixen and wolf (before they turned) i was really cool with.

this was during my brief stint as a high school student before i dropped out.
 if you came to school late,
you couldn’t get into the building so we met playing hooky.
we had a good time that day.
a week later,
they started fucking.
i’d be on the bed,
playing video games,
and he would be clappin’ her cheeks hard.
they’d let me touch them as they were getting it on.
she had a nice bawdy and he had a big beautiful dick and fat ass.
i was in the room when they tried anal for the first time.
they wanted me to watch.

You know I like watching people fuck.

it was good up until

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