she ain’t looking like ya’ll chika right now

ya know,
i thought after the last incident with rapper chika,
she would go out trying to win.
( x see last incident here )
cue tyra:

chika thought it was a bright idea to diss people kids on twitter

Continue reading “she ain’t looking like ya’ll chika right now”

you f’d with chika and amiyah scott, you’re pretty much a done deal.

so before i start,
i want to say that i fux with chika real heavy.
her music has shown what a tremendous talent she is within the LGBT community.


during the weekend,
she got into it with brandon anthony:

…who has done some acting,
but promotes parties within the LGBT community as well.
brandon didn’t give chika the same promo or pay to host a la black pride event.
you can catch up ——> ( x here ).
i had some thoughts about the whole situation…

Continue reading “you f’d with chika and amiyah scott, you’re pretty much a done deal.”