Premium Meat of the Minute: Jon Beason

I love chocolate.
Chocolate is sort of my aphrodisiac.
But, I never really had dark chocolate before.

Have you ever used chocolate in foreplay?

Let’s take a look at a dark chocolate bar I wouldn’t mind dripping all over me…

Continue reading “Premium Meat of the Minute: Jon Beason”

Premium Meat of the Minute: Nic Harris

Continue reading “Premium Meat of the Minute: Nic Harris”

He Is My J.O.B

Last night,
I busted a GOOD nut.
I let Devin Thomas beat the hell out of me.
We were having the most intense make up sex ever.
I do not know what came over me….
…but  I know he did.
Continue reading “He Is My J.O.B”

Thomas, What’s Goin On Here?

After the incident on Twitter,
I left well enough alone…

Have you seen his face and body?
I still kinda want that ontop of me…)

Anyway a Fox of mine sent me a magazine cover with him on it…
…and I screw faced it all the way to my recycling bin.

Continue reading “Thomas, What’s Goin On Here?”

Thoughts Over Chinese Takeout

It has been one of those weeks.
Hell – one of those months.

I decided to turn my Foxberry off and cut myself from the world.
Friends, Family, and Potential Wolves – I’m on a mental vaca.
Sorry for the short notice.
I’m somewhere on South Beach mentally.
I may just be back in a week… maybe not.

Sometimes you need to step away from your current situation
and give yourself time to re-charge.

So on my first official day of vaca,
I ordered my usual (H10: General Tso’s Shrimp w. White Rice)
+ add my favorite white wine……..

… & I’m gooooooood.

But… a couple random type thoughtz are going thru my head.
Wanna hear?
Continue reading “Thoughts Over Chinese Takeout”