Stand By My Almost Killers

family_2_-_qp11well this story has gone national.
yvonne and zachery ervin,
the ( x parents of the two jackals ) who tried to kill them,
appeared on “good morning america” this morning.
robin roberts sat down with the parents for the exclusive…

tumblr_m8228gPnLY1rnufmqo1_500well i guess you can’t blame them for their forgiveness.
it takes a lot to forgive getting beat up,
and nearly blown the hell up.
those are their cubs tho,
regardless of how insane they both are.
jail for 60 years tho?
i still think there is more to this.
we need to hear the story from the two sitting in jail.
i’d love to hear their version.
lets smuggle in a cell phone to conduct a skype interview.















Blair-Waldorf-blair-waldorf-23274906-500-205i’m serious.

12 thoughts on “Stand By My Almost Killers

  1. I love how everyone is blaming the victims smh.

    At this point they’ll probably say anything to get a shorter sentence so I don’t really care what the brothers have to say.

    The fact is they are BLACK MEN at the mercy of the criminal justice system. That “my daddy touched me” defense isn’t going to help matters much.

    Didn’t work for the Menendez brothers either.

  2. Told you’ll there was something off about the parents! lol. (not that this is particularly incriminating, but they are weird)
    They’re hiding something juicy, I feel it.

  3. Is it me or do anyone else think the parents are abusive after watching that interview? Their presence o aura have undertone meanness

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