shit hit the fan and i’m not into scat play

at around 12 am as i was on my way to bed,
off 2 bennys cause my allergies were disrespecting me,
i heard a loud ass thump/bang combo in my living room.
i thought someone broke in so i grabbed the closest weapon to me.
my broom.
when i slowly went into my living room,
i saw

My window decided to fall out of the panel.

it is an old window that definitely needed replacing.
just when i said my day ended really well too.

Here I was,
tired and loopy off the damn Bennys,
and my broken window is on the floor.

my old thoughts tried to get me to start panicking.
i was about to call someone and go off in an emotional tirade.

I decided to pick that heavy shit up and prop it back up in that panel.

it taught me something.
shit can happen at any given moment.
as much as it stinks,
we have to find a way to clean it up.
i decided to accept the situation and surrender to it.

Remember when I had the job interview and the toilet decided to overflow?
I had mad water on the floor and I had to be at the station in 15 minutes.
I e
nded up accepting my bathroom was flooded and getting dressed.
In the end,
I got the job along with the toilet getting fixed later that day.

Or that house I stayed at and anytime it rained,
the basement would flood and I’d have to boil water to bath before work?

Or being a sheltered kid who knew nothing about people and life.
After my mother died,
and I was thrown to the wolves,

my only way to survive was to learn how to become a stealth God.

i complained and talked shit but i had to accept the circumstances.
it is what it is is what i’ve been learning in therapy.
shit hits the fan and we can’t dodge it.

what we can do is accept it and figure out how to clean it up.

lowkey: i’ve come a long way ya’ll.

3 thoughts on “shit hit the fan and i’m not into scat play

  1. We have to learn that things are beyond our control and we have to learn to accept it for what it is.

  2. The key to happiness is letting each situation be what it is instead of what you think it should be. You, Sir, are well on your way to figuring it all out.

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