Industry Nights.
So I have started going more places as far as “the industry”.
It is actually a very interesting world behind the scenes.
You get first hand dirt on all the rumors.
All the scandals.
And people in front the scenes aren’t as glamorous as they seem.
I think that has been the biggest eye opener.
I haven’t seen anything too scandalous,
but I have been around people I perceive to be as such.
I keep asking myself when will they show their true colors?
Everything is perfect now, but when will they strike?
Or, should I relax and not mentally sabotage shit?
I am trying to be something.
Anything that requires me to be great.
You know this.
I know this.
But, it is a process.
A lot of hand shakes, fake smiles, lusting eyes, and broken promises.
I went to an industry event for NYE.
It was cool.
No one I was interested in really showed up…
…well, this Wolf did but he seemed to have a lot on his mind.
He looked… mad.
I kept looking at him and wondering if he broke up with someone?
If a deal he was trying to get fell through?
Or, if he was just pissed off at all the holiday spirit?
I could tell he was muscular as hell under that black cardigan.
Everything fit him so well.
He kept looking at me, but my people were not with his people.
I was too intimidated to even go up to him to start a convo.
Well not really, I was more so observing his swagga.
He was a “someone” because everyone was either kissing that ass or giving handshakes.
He did hold the elevator door open for me as I was leaving with my group.
He did smile at me on the ride down.
He did wish me a happy new year as he waited for me to walk out.
His bald head and lips were the focus of my thoughts.
“I would love to sit on his face as I held onto that bowling ball.” I thought.
I guess there will be more of this as I travel deep in the industry.
I hope to be a better Terrance Dean about my Wolves.
I do not want those kind of hot Fox scandals.
I just want to be appreciated for my talents… as well as that “cum back” appeal.
I’ll meet some great material to write about.
I feel good about 2012.
This should be an interesting year.
Awww Jamari, You should have introduced yourself. Like as he was holding the elevator or before then when he smiled, smiled back and say Hi, my name is Jamari and I wanna fuck your brains out.. LMAO.. JK JK. Nah just say, Hi I’m Jamari nice to meet you and then say thank you and see you around.
^I wanted to but of course,
I left with everyone.
So I couldn’t do what I wanted to do.
Next time.
I’m sure I will see him again.
oh yes….. the drama is unbearable… especially if they are already married…..
Yea, go to more industry events, you will find one sooner or later. If you get someone, don’t get someone who is out really out there celebrity status wise because you have to deal with so much drama because of the public image they have to keeep.