Tag: industry
we have all met this character working in our industry (we wanted to smash too)

How well do we really know the people we admire?
Or are we just falling for the highlight reel they want us to see?
if you’re not watching industry on hbo,
you’re missing one of the best shows out right now.
it’s the kind of series that sneaks up on you.
what started with a small but loyal audience has blown up,
especially in season three.
adding jon snow to the mix?
genius move.
season three has been flawless,
with each episode being a legit masterpiece.
last night’s focus on rishi ramdani played by sagar radia was no exception…

I think Sagar is hot.
rishi has that sexy and cocky vibe that’s hard to resist for me,
but his story line took a sharp turn,
leaving me rethinking everything when it comes to his type…
He Masturbated In Front of Me At The Studio
diane warren is an amazing songwriter.
i’m sure you have heard most of her written songs a time or two:
i was here – beyonce
the one i gave my heart to – aaliyah
un-break my heart – toni braxton
how do i live – leann rimes
have you ever – brandy
for you i will – monica
she is a monster with the pen.
she writes “break up” well.
i would love to interview her one day.
well i read an interview with cosmo with her that was quite interesting.
she was talking about perverted behavior within the industry.
this is a snippet of what she said…
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Oh That’s My Baby Over There With His Pretty Pussy
sexy ass duncan james
(who always looks porn ready),
of the brit boy band blue,
had a beard.
shocked face!
actually he had a couple.
not a beard on his face silly.
he had a couple industry chicks playing:
“this is who i want you to believe i’m fuckin'”
duncan admitted who was playing his “girlfriend for the cameras”…
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i invite you to an industry event one night.
now this isn’t the typical kind of function with hiphop wannabes.
this is a mixed crowd.
one with different kind of foxhole members.
you meet this guy:
he is feelin you.
you are feelin him.
numbers are exchanged.
good work.
weeks go by and you guys still talk.
he lives here:
on the downside,
he likes a little of this:
…every once in a blue moon.
he isn’t hooked.
it’s a party drug.
he has a lot of money and connections.
he knows your birthday is coming up.
next week actually.
he wants to do something different for you.
he can buy you a crib,
and clothes whenever you want.
he says he will…
Lil Wayne’s Not Dead
the same thing he promoted so heavy,
is the same thing that nearly took him out this world.
this lil wayne situation has been an eye opener.
although it won’t stop people from getting high,
or from people signing with young money,
it goes to show you what comes with being “famous”.
not really.
it is all smoke and drank to numb your demons….
Everyone Meet My Brand New Piece of Pussy.
it has two definitions.
it can be that thing you have on your face when you don’t shave for 2 weeks.
like, now.
baby when do you plan on getting a cut?
you look terrible.
or it could be:
the big breasted,
shiny haired,
“look like you have good pussy”,
vixen you usually saw in your dreams or a magazine spread for bras.
today foxhole,
we gonna talk about the beard,
or to some of us:
Continue reading “Everyone Meet My Brand New Piece of Pussy.” →
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