i love how odell beckham jr carries on with his life.
he’s a mystery that no one can figure out.
this question was asked on twitter:
in which it caused obj to respond.
you see how he answered that?
it could be taken in many different ways.
i’ll let ya’ll know i get first dibs on that scorpio meat…
…i might let you suck on the bone after.
all jokes aside tho,
i’m like that 110%.
i’m all about vibes and mood.
God forbid i’m open and you kiss me…
“do you have a condom”?
He’s only pandering to BW because he’s old news. 5 years ago he wouldn’t have had that same energy. Where he’s from they’re colorstruck af so watch him end up with a woman as light as or lighter than his biracial momma.
Issa snack!
That was a I don’t discriminate by race or gender reply. He’s fluid, doesn’t like labels and “goes with vibes”.
Just let me get the first nut! I don’t like a lot of tattoos but he makes them look good.
When you look like him and can fuck whoever you want, why limit yourself. Get your best life and nut
Jamari…everything about ur post was great except the part where u have him first! Exqueeze me, but that fine specimen is mines! And NO yall cannot have him after Im done! Me n him gonna be together foreva! Lol

I don’t believe him but I’ll just go along with his fine unproblematic ass. Hey OBJ!
Odell is living his best life. He’s super rich, young, incredible gorgeous and athletically gifted. And if that wasn’t enough he’s so confident with himself that he subtly trolls his detractors on social media by keeping them guessing. I just love this guy
You can have OBJ when I’m done with him. Lol
Sidebar: I broke down and finally got on here. Whooo!
^welcome to the foxhole!
How do you like good boys, but spanking also? Spanking is for bad boys.