milan christopher is looking to get smashed.
he just needs to be careful who does the smashing.
i would expect nothing but baller/rapper/r&b wolves in that booty.
not hyenas and jackals from the gram.
so milan christopher got some leakage from a hyena named gio.
gio is definitely not a stranger to the foxhole.
it seems that milan allegedly slid in gio’s dms and then denied it happened.
well gio decided to show the receipts and then deleted it.
he must not have known my foxhole was lurking in the shadows.
this is what they sent to me,
kinda nsfw
only for the curious straights
okay proceed…
milan before the receipts:
milan after the reciepts:
gio can be pretty messy so i don’t understand why milan did that.
gio allegedly:
hates blacks but likes fuckin’ em
hates black vixens but has a ton of them following him
supports trump
the last being the deal breaker.
i would have liked to see their “accidentally leaked” sex tape tho.
( x gio knows how to put it down )
that would have been an exciting messy match up between those two.
better than that other alleged leaked sex tape.
aah well.
lowkey: i’ve seen milan is a couple “straight” wolves comments.
is it safe to assume they also got the bunz?
They both late……and I wouldn’t be surprised if Milan writes a “Tell All” book about the industry and who been deep inside him lol. Because he’s that thirsty…if his fame is brighter soon I bet it will come down to that
Lawd, I pray that this type of fuckery don’t come into 2017. It seem like all 2016 people were looking for revenge this whole time.
Gio is very immature to begin with so fw him was a bad decision in the first place
This is laughable because both of them are worthless in my book. First of all, Gio is not all of that. If you ask me, he is average at best. He is the typical attention whore you come across on social media, but Milan is as well. What did Gio get out of exposing this? This was just so low class of him, but this is the type some of y’all like.
remember that time that GIO got his ass beat and posted it online
He also got a Twitter account on his account he supports Donald Trump hard body @gio_experience I don’t know why a lot of straight black women and straight women general follow this fool he doesn’t like women at all. He talk bad about the Black lives matter movement and he talked bad about black people he supports the cops and he supports crazy Donald Trump. are straight girls blind by his good looks and stuff knowing good and well that he don’t want to stick his dick in a girls vagina these girls are suffering from DFAD that means desperate for a dick
I’m always puzzled by these women who lust after openly gay men like Milan,Gio,etc maying stupid comments like “Why are you gay,You are too sexy to be gay,What a waste,etc.” .Yet in the next breath they are accusing every straight guy of being gay.
I may say a gay guy is cute or handsome but I would never say some BS like “I can make you turn straight or switch teams”.IDK about Gio but Milan’s comments are filled with Black women telling him they want to sleep with him,convert him.About 80 percent of his comments are from Black women.I don’t know if some of them are in denial or delusional.
Deprived, Jay…theyre deprived and undersexed
The reason why a lot of women are going out they gay men because they believe there is a shortage of the men out there. is not just single women married women who are going after gaymen they are bored with their husbands. these desperate women be sending gaymen nude pictures to gay men on the DM’s on Instagram but thay get block by the gay men
Jamari, these GIFs, I can’t. ..blahahahaaa
Exactly I was dying
Now Gio wanna talk? They murdered him on myvidster showing how his a fox drag playing a bad wolf. but anyway i don’t feel sorry for milan, that’s what you get being an attention whore dealing with anybody, jackals want to “out” you.
Look at dm Milan said I’m coming over to Gio they been talking on reg
LMAO at both of these thirst queens. I lost ALL respect for Gio watching him sashay in his drag. Top or not…you put on the woman clothes, ya lose me!! LOL
I had to Google search this Gio to refresh my memory, but I knew the moment I peeped some of his pics that he takes dick….but wait…drag?…women’s clothes?
^there is a long entry about him deep in the archives jb!
he had some video where he was in drag performing at something.
i think these random sex videos he releases are him trying to reedeem his “wolf-ness”.
He’s not in drag in this clip….but he’s practicing for his performance.
I have no kind words for either of these lames, except I doubt anything other than some old white men in the industry are fucking him anyway. No matter how fat his ass is, he’s nothing more than a liability looking for a come up and attention.
Correct is right, Jay.
If he was getting all this A1 industry dick he wouldn’t be half as attention seeking as he is.
White boys are being kept by plenty of people in the industry, but you couldn’t pick them out of a line up because they’re very lowkey. They play their part and enjoy the benefits.
I wonder what (straight) dudes in the industry or athletes Milan let smash, I know there has to be a lot, those buns are big. Some people might disagree with me but I think Milan is sexy.
You’re not alone Eric, physically, he’s a good looking man, (that ass though) buuuuuutt, I don’t like shallow people, so I would pass.
Eric, man athletes (bballas, track, and some Fballas …cause many of them bottom) always turn a head for a fat ass…hers or HIS…lol high school, college…NBA…all the same yo. You are so right!
I agree putting aside all his baggage..he’s an attractive guy..
Milan hates Trump so I am surprised he sent a DM to that asshole.I guess he was blinded by the muscles,almost all the pics Milan likes are of muscular guys of all races.I don’t see how this a big deal.Milan is openly gay and he has dozens of nude pics all over the net.Every other week he posts a nude pic on his IG.
Now if Ray J,Fizz or one of the other guys from LHHH sent this asshole an ass pic, that would be a big deal.
BTW isn’t Gio a latino, WTF is he supporting Trump.These people hate Hillary so much they would support Satan if he was running against her.
I have a question for people who DM nude pics do you use a dummy IG or something to keep from being outed? Personally I would never send nude pics but I was just wondering how do you protect yourself from being outed like this.
^good question yc!
That ass fat tho! I’d hit!!…just like Meek and 21 Savage…smh
^he looking for that break up dick.
the dick you get while in between relationships.
give it a shot!
Man, exactly…what Chu Said!!