Milan Christopher Is A Celeb and His Bunz Are His Business Card

screen-shot-2016-11-03-at-7-18-20-pmmilan christopher is looking to get smashed.
he just needs to be careful who does the smashing.
i would expect nothing but baller/rapper/r&b wolves in that booty.
not hyenas and jackals from the gram.

so milan christopher got some leakage from a hyena named gio.
gio is definitely not a stranger to the foxhole.
it seems that milan allegedly slid in gio’s dms and then denied it happened.
well gio decided to show the receipts and then deleted it.
he must not have known my foxhole was lurking in the shadows.
this is what they sent to me,

kinda nsfw
only for the curious straights

okay proceed…
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The Attentionisto Who Is An Alleged Racist?

tumblr_njkgtpv8eB1tfl4yfo1_1280okay sooooooo…
^he did something to get the dragging he has been getting.
his name is gio and he is an attentionisto.
well gio allegedly is a racist as well.
i say allegedly because he had some sex leakage and well…










okay now go…
Continue reading “The Attentionisto Who Is An Alleged Racist?”