kenya moore puts her peach down and walked away?

✌🏾: Kenya Moore making an exit from season 16 of RHOA.

after all that drama,
she allegedly ( x left on her own terms ).

or maybe she jumped ship before they could push her overboard.
rumors are flying that she messed up a good thing but let’s be real

Her storyline was all about stirring the pot.
Now that she’s out,
RHOA needs a new villain,

truth be told,
kenya will be just fine and the same goes for the show.
nobody’s ever truly canceled in these forests.
do something awful; still have a fan base.

Case in point: we’ve got a convicted felon running for president.

r. kelly still got supporters and even serial killers get love letters.
life moves on and the canceled go off to ruin someone else’s day.
kenya and rhoa?
both past their prime anyway.
she’ll find a new gig and they’ll find a new drama queen.

It is what it is?

1 thought on “kenya moore puts her peach down and walked away?

  1. I think the problem with RHOA is that the older people really do make the show. You need Nene, Phaedra, Cynthia, Kenya , and Kandi; porsha and the younger girls can’t really hold anyone’s attention.

    This show is very different from where it started out at, these people were slightly upper class but became rich through the show. Now that the older people are 50+ you want to see how that “Old money” moves.

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