I’m not even gonna hold you but he has some big bunz.
you can’t always tell when a male has nice cheeks when he is wearing pants.
kendall washington from love island fame is one of those types.
we fonted about him ( x and that tail of his ) the other day.
i never got the point of outing someone over something petty,
but outing someone you supposedly loved and trusted?
That’s next-level betrayal.
kendall addressed his outing on his IG stories…

he handled it with grace and i bet his follower count skyrocketed.
When you’re outed,
the best strategy is surrender,
especially if you’re entire being (including your face or visible tatts) are exposed.
By surrendering,
you get the sympathy vote as you set up traps to destroy the person who outed you.
that’s the thing about outing someone with a dope body or who was in the closet:
You just pushed them to the front of the line.
if my ex ever hurt my feelings and I saw him on TV,
or they became successful in their endeavors,
i’d keep paying him dust.
no need to be a hatin’ ass bitch.
if we had sex and i saw DL manz on TV on a reality show with vixens,
i don’t really care because is not my problem.
“i fucked him.
he made me cum 6 times.
good enough for me.” – samantha jones, satc.
i’m not looking for clout off the fact someone who is DL fucked me a few times.
i’ve hurt more feelings by making someone irrelevant to me than seeking revenge.
once a cancer is done with you,
you’re pretty much dead to us atp.
the response will always be:

Kendall is ( x a Cancer ).
Cancers are some of the most emotional pick me types around. They’re done when the other person is done with them and ghost them.
I don’t necessarily agree, but, revenge porn is a thing; there are whole laws that are on the books. If you truly feel betrayed and violated, then file a lawsuit or go to the proper authorities and file a police report; anything less and I just think you’re making a fuss for clicks and views.
Something else I don’t understand and maybe it’s a generational thing, but why make the video in the first place? Why commit anything to the video you wouldn’t want the whole world to see?
^ 110%
I do feel bad for him because the video was not for our eyes and somebody he trusted decided to leak it for the whole world to see. As impressive as the pics are we really didn’t need to see them. I agree in I don’t get why leaking your exes pictures is needed or considered revenge cause you look more like the asshole not the victim.
Was he outed as gay? I thought maybe a girl leaked it or something
That part! ^ ^ @ Chris.
It does not help when they say ” A Person”, ” My Partner” or “Someone” . I always assume “Gay” ,but this is premature assumptions on my part .