if only kamala harris would be herself, we’d believe her

A controversial statement but Kamala Harris bugs me.

i’ve aired my grievances about her many times.
my main issue?
she doesn’t feel authentic.
you know when she feels authentic?
when she is in shady bitch mode.

this is when i think she is the most “herself” and i fux with that heavy.
i love when she is shady and bitchy tbh.
it’s like she’s always “putting on” for the black community.
come voting time,
she pulls out the pander card.
her appearance at the bet awards really annoyed me…

“They not like us.”


oh good grief.
my biggest issue with politicians?

The way they grift towards the black community.

you don’t see them out here making broccoli casseroles or cosplaying a swiftie.
i’d appreciate it if they actually went into the hoods to see how life is.
i’d like to see them rolling up their sleeves and getting to work.
a couple hours at popeyes in harlem somewhere.
maybe walking through the hoods,
seeing how black folks are really living.
talking to the people and hearing our grievances.
that would feel more genuine than

These muthafuckas know damn well they ain’t hittin’ the Nae Nae at a cocktail party.

trump talking about saving “black jobs” that we all know are stereotypical,
or at chik-fil-a when he knows mcdonalds is his bag…

biden eating fried chicken at some middle-class black family’s house…

or when we haven’t seen him doing this the last 4 years:

and kamala being “kamala”,
it’s so painfully obvious they’re counting on us to vote.
you never see them pandering to other races to vote tho.
is because they know we hold the power?
they also know many of us fall for pandering really quickly too.
if only they had the energy of rfk:

it might feel more real.

lowkey: if feel like the democrats need to come a tad bit harder…

…because the others aren’t like them.

3 thoughts on “if only kamala harris would be herself, we’d believe her

  1. The only time I liked her is back when she was in Congress . Once she became a VP candidate she became ” Half Indian and revealed her Non-Black Husband. This isn’t a problem , however it was the “concealment of the Husband and the need for her to become more than Black” . It was so calculated and fake!

    Like you stated. ” she’s not being real “. Now I really want to like her, and I believe that she is more qualified than Trump .

  2. You’re aware Kamala is Black and a member of a Black sorority? She’s done the work. Check her resume. If she rubs you the wrong way I can only imagine what you think of the racist politicians doing their best to set us back 400 years.

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