mo’nique has a fully charged durcell in her back.
she won’t be stopping until that runs out of fuel.
when that is?
anyone’s guess.
well mo’nique has been coming for oprah.
in response to a question about trump and mo’nique,
oprah she won’t be “stooping down to any level” via global grind:
…to which mo’nique responded on twitter via “hollywood unlocked”:
well she randomly came for oprah again tonight on twitter.
this is what she had to font via “the jasmine brand”…
i’m realllllllly waiting to see what her end game is.
make it make sense.
she can’t expect to set fire to the forest and still expect to live there.
if she was smart,
this whole tirade could have gone in a book.
what’s the point of “daddykins” if he isn’t helping her to move smart?
Monique…my love bug…….Oprah is not even thinking about you my babies.
Nikki Parker makes me so damn frustrated! Like, she has a valid point and a decent argument, but her approach is all wrong! Its hard to agree with someone, no matter how “right” they may be, when they so damn insufferable. I call it “The Azealia Banks Complex”: When a bitch is spittin some actual factuals but they so unlikable in they delivery that you just dont give a fuck.
Not on anyone’s side in this situation but i’m still not buying what Monique is selling. She is for the one and not the all. She’s not showing me anything that says otherwise.
Whatever may have happened, she is working on career suicide FOR REAL!
She strikes me a loud moth, ungrateful. She’s killing what’s left of her C rated career. No one will touch her with the antics she is keeping up. Frankly, she’s done.
Can’t stand her rass.
I am not against people saying their peace or expressing how they feel when somebody has done them wrong without good reason (we are told to be quiet and keep things to ourselves too much it’s like protecting abusers, victimizers and just awful people is top priority), but at a point you have to let go and let God. I do believe it was “them” and not Monique especially with the “me too” movement and all the other things that have constantly been said about the entertainment industry. In truth though she has been on this shit for 2 years now. It is truly ridiculous at this point. Personally I believe this state the Mrs. Monique is in comes from the trama she experienced as a child and way it was handled. Still though it is time to let this go, you have let it known these folks are dirty and did you wrong now let Karma have them!!! For your own sanity.
I really don’t know where to stand on Monique, it is not what is being said by her. More or less it is what is not being said. The fact that she has really dug in on this although she has to know it will only hurt her in the long run, says just how deeply she has been hurt somehow.
I am with Monique on this one, a lot of people are blinded by their love of Oprah that they fail to see beyond the shady way in which she operates
But Mo’nique has been having a bad reputation since “The Parker’s”….way before Precious and Oprah came into the picture. Her lack of working comes not just from her beef with industry people but from her bad reputation that has long proceeded this.
remember how Oprah cut off Iyanla Vanzant at one point,,,
Monique is the new Tyrese.
Monique has valid reason to be upset with Oprah.
^whats the reason?
I think it has to do with the fact that during the “Precious” time, Oprah approached her about doing an interview with her brother and family. Monique’s brother molested her when she was young. Monique refused. Oprah told her well she’s onna have her brother on her show regardless and Monique told her girl as your sis I’m asking you NOT to do that. This man hurt me so please don’t do it. Oprah ignored her request and still interviewed her brother.
Now I love me Ms O but that was a money move over friendship. She really coulda taken that L if she really cared about Monique and not ratings; they had a solid friendship. So that’s why Monique hates her.
Thank you Tati Mo also said that she didn’t know she was going to have her mother and father on the show without mo knowledge.
Tati I totally remember that happening, because I was surprised O did it at the time, but somehow it got brushed under the rug.
She is nothing more than the epitome (the prime example of) “misery loves company”. She is miserable with herself, her life, and where she is in her life because everyone across her has gone on to do great things and she became struck and then washed up. She attacked skinny women for so long and claimed that it was because of her size that she was placed over. Yet, now she is much smaller, and still can’t get any work. It was never her size, it was and still is her gross attitude and her foul mouth that is hendering her…those two things and her husband.
^it’s sad…
I’m tired of this. She continues to call people “my brother, my sister” and then goes on to talk about them and call them names. This is why she can’t get work because she is always in the news about something negative. She should be using all this energy into getting a deal with another streaming service or network. I get that she wants to be paid right but her way of going by it is not right. I don’t think she has a end plan. I think she is going to ride this out as long as she can. Smh ridiculous
why does it seem she only drags black folks?
she didn’t go after gary owens when he came at her neck.
This is just disrespectful. Monique is a grown and married successful black woman, much like any other black woman currently being bashed in the media. After all of the ridicule she was put through for being a big girl she lost the weight. Then people bashed her for becoming a skinny woman. When it came for her people to stand beside her when she’s obviously been bullied and blacklisted, she got called donkey of the day and dragged ONLY by black people. Not one white person in the media has had so.ething to say regarding this. I dont get it, She was praised when she behaved like a classless slut but now that shes married and settled down people dont want to see her act like a normal black woman should. Since when did we start praising hoes? Its crazy how often Black people attack each other when they dont even comprehend the entire situation. Jada Pinkette even had something to say, agreeing with Monique but even she was afraid enough to cover her tracks. in order for her not to meet the same fate. Corporations such as Netflix have been doing bogus stuff for years, yet everyone is afraid to say something out of fear this will happen. We’ve been conditiined to abandon our families, to deviate from the norm, to be accepting of everything negative that is put towards us and break apart ourselves because great minds think alike. Black people need to learn to stick together before the media tears us apart.