chrystian lehr put his d!ck down and told me to suck it?

what do we have here!?

it’s elon’s twitter being its usual and hypocritical self.
free speech until you have to pay for it.
anyone can buy a blue check and spew hate,
but i mention chrystian lehr and i’m suspended.

so i posted two pics of chrystian from google on there…

x pic one
x pic two
x google search i used

now i don’t keep up with chrystian all like that.
all i know is he’s handsome,
has a fat tail,
and an OF.
he sings but it’s his sex work and attentionisto ways keeping him in the radar.
even with his confusing soft debut the other day,
i gave him a compliment on that same twitter.

He loves showing himself off but when i did,
we have a problem?

it would be really disappointing if he or his stan page reported me.
i thought we were better than this!
unlike the others that drag you all up and down the social streets,
i hardly come for you.
so what gives,

guess some people need to control the narrative of their image.
that’s all they have.

Oh well,
moving on.

i wish him well.

2 thoughts on “chrystian lehr put his d!ck down and told me to suck it?

  1. There’s a lot of mental illness among these men. Why do you think they hit the gym so hard? Making up for something, not dealing with it.

    This reminds me of that Black guy who blocks every Black gay guy but likes every white guy. The one obsessed with Aaliyah and Jean Grey.

    You cannot let unhinged behavior get to you.

    If he got mad YOU gave him free publicity about his relationship that HE posted about as if he’s an actual celebrity, imagine what the boyfriend is going through. Walking on eggshells to say he’s with him.

    Imagine venting about this to your friends:

    “Yeah…this dude posted about how I’m booed up! He used private pics I posted everywhere! Reported him. Had to get him up out of here!”

    And you trying to still give him compliments, chile he is the type who if you say “nice abs”, says “What do you mean nice abs?”


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