I’m Not A Hoe Because I Gave Head and Not Let Him Smash

i haven’t gotten my back blown out in a while.
i don’t know if i miss it.
with randoms,
it is a lot of wear and tear.
my walls are expensive as is!
it seems like a lot of gays are not into fuckin’ anymore.
they have allegedly replaced it with a new “old” thing.
a foxholer sent me what’s supposedly hot in the forests via “cocktails and cocktalk”
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You Ain’t Been Sext, Til You Been Sext By… Tupac?

remember that thing called “paper”?
like from a notebook?

me neither.
back in the 90s,
there was no such thing as texts or dms.
folks actually wrote letters back and forth to each other.
they even went to that thing called “a mailbox” to mail them.
i know.
a vix-bi sent me an alleged letter the late tupac shakur wrote a vixen.
this was one of his alleged released letters to her from jail.
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My Boi Pussy So Good It Made Him Go Blind, Ya’ll!

^this is what bustin’ the perfect “nut” face looks like.
i don’t know who he is,
but i thought it was the perfect intro to the following.
now i’ve heard of being banged so hard,
that your eyes roll into the top of your head,
but imagine going blind?
blind because you wanted to fuck someone stupid.
well one wolf lost vision in one eye after busting a good nut.
a foxholer sent me the following story from “daily mail”
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Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Let Down Your Mouth On My Penis (Gloryhole)

males would do anything to get our dicks sucked.
i mean,
i’ve heard of alleys and random stalls in “planet fitness” bathrooms.
how about a window?
yeah a foxholer sent me the following.
as stated above,
this is a whole parental advisory
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Dj Envy and His “Entry” Into Trending Tweets Today

everyone is talking about dj envy today.
not even because of something he said on “the breakfast club”,
but moreso what he allegedly said to some hoe on snapchat.
and allegedly,
dj envy likes his wolf tail played with.
check this out…
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“I Only Gave Head 4 Times This Year. I’m Safe!”

well you getting more than calcium from giving head.
you might be getting a load of cancer.
so the head hunters out here are more at risk,
they’re saying.
an f-bi sent me an article from “the daily mail”.
it goes on to font
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