i’m not the biggest fan of jess hilarious but no doubt,
she has shaken the table over the weekend.
all everyone can font about is her being canceled by the trans community.
that and the “death threat severance package” from said community.
a trans vixen made a video claiming vixens don’t own periods or womanhood.
i don’t know what that means but it caused jess hilarious to respond and…
Being a transphobe, again. pic.twitter.com/aZbJ3PXOar
— Nani
(@lenubienne) July 22, 2023
so i’m not gonna font who is right or wrong but i have some questions.
aside from trans wolves:
Do Trans Vixens have eggs?
Do they bleed once a month?
In their bleeding,
do they shed their uterine lining?
Are they susceptible to getting uterine cancer?
How do they go about treating it?
besides trans wolves:
Have there been any cases of Trans Vixens getting pregnant?
the trans vixen said vixens don’t own periods or womanhood:
So what do they own?
i think folks need to be updated so these issues stop arising tbh.
i’m just asking for clarification for myself and my foxhole.
the answers can easily debunk what jess hilarious is saying.
I think it’s perfectly normal to have questions in cases like this tbh.
it helps all parties be educated.
am i wrong for thinking this?
Trans people make up less than 2% of the United States population. No other demographic that size receives the same amount of media attention as that community which is a direct result of politicalization.
People were already transphobic before the statements made by the trans woman included in this entry, so of course they’re going to use the most controversial example they can find to push a narrative they already believed. That’s just confirmation bias.
This all boils down to colonialism providing us with boxes in which we’re “naturally” supposed to fit. This idea isn’t exclusive to the trans community, as it also relates to other queer groups and even racial and cultural norms. Due to oppression and indoctrination, we [black people] are some of the largest defenders of these sociological norms that we placed onto us.
I mean…just look at the replies to this post. A lot of this confusion could be nipped in the bud if Jess, the commenters, and maybe even you too, Jamari, actually learned the difference between sex and gender. Most use them synonymously, despite one being biological and the other being sociological. And no. I’m not trans lol.
Women own periods. Trans women do not.
First of all I don’t like Jess.IMO she’s not funny and she has made multiple homophobic,transphobic and misogynistic comments.
I don’t agree with the comments made by the transwoman either but I’m not going to judge an entire community by ignorant comments made by a few members of the community.
I think it is very wrong demonizing the trans community and it’s very dangerous to both transwomen and non transwomen.
Earlier this month a Black cisgender woman was murdered in Indiana,the man who killed her thought she was trans,he said she looked/acted like a man.Often Black women are described as looking like a man or being masculine.I’ve heard this said about Michelle Obama,Serena Williams and even Jess mainly because of her voice
Anyway transwomen are the least of my worries.And this biological woman is fine with being called cisgender.I’ve been called a lot worse.
Correction- the killer told the cops that the victim was a “man acting like a woman” He thought she was trans when in fact she was a biological woman/cisgender woman.
This was dumb. The only time you hear blk ppl talking about trans_____ is when some dumb trans comes out of the woods w some dumb statement like this. And of course, Jess is ready to take the bait. Smh.
She won’t mind that ‘fierce’ trans lady who she ‘kiki’d’ w before she did her makeup on set, but will fall into the trap of some random looking for clicks n views, and then make trans women a ‘yall’.
It’s no different than how blk heteros can’t separate the fact that we are still black ppl, just because we’re umbrella ppl.
I’m about to get real
Angelica Ross gets on my nerves BAD
She did this OWN Network special where she was in the audience and basically said cis women need to speak to their boyfriends and husbands about their trans attraction and help advocate for them
No bitch! U want them, while they’re being killed at an alarming rate, as well, to lay on the cross and to let you step over them to get chose by straight men. This is ludicrous. The LGBT+ community always does this. Main people crying about racism talk shit about dark skinned people. The main women mad at transphobia turn around and talk about a bitch got saggy titties or a flat ass or bald edges
There is a difference in trans woman and biological women because you are socialized based on appearance. The same way a light skinned person will never experience antiblack colorism, a cis woman is raised with certain restrictions as a girl that Bruce, now Caitlyn did not have when she was Bruce. So it’s still misogyny to argue with a ciswoman that her feelings over owning her womanhood are invalid
This is just absolutely absurd! Biological women have the right to say that they own Womanhood and they own menstrual periods that is a biological fact! It’s a fact that will never change it’s just that simple so how is that transphobic??? So how all of a sudden this is considered insulting on it’s very face it is illogical clearly the people who are saying this are not even considering how it makes them look. Your desire to be a woman that bad means that you should just totally negate reality??? This what biological women and trans women with common sense are up against people like this who take their delusional mindsets too far and people are pushing back against this including trans women themselves are pushing back but their voices are drowned out unfortunately.
Biogical women dont like being called “CIs” and personally I think its RUDE and DISRESPECTAL for the Trans community to think they are Full Women and coming for Women n general. You dont see the FTM coming at Men the same way. Women can be an ally with out the Disrespect from the community.