he wanted to do splits in hopes of being able to do it on a lucky penis later

Do we know when we are doing the absolute most?

some gay males are super horny,
all the time.
in being in horny mode 24/7,
they often are missing one thing:

Understanding other people’s boundaries.

it’s like when we randomly show up to an event we aren’t invited to,
but then we’re confused why people were talking heavy shit about us.

Sidebar: I don’t show up to anyone’s event unless I’m personally invited.
If it ain’t on Jamari’s calendar,
I ain’t going.

I’ve seen people act wild shady when someone shows up to an event they broadcasted.

so it’s one thing to walk in your authentic self but:

When does it start crossing the line?

i saw a clip on twitter and was like…


I know you are dying to get fucked,
as we can see from the cum fuck me shorts and the splits,
but is this really necessary?”

many will be like:

“Well this is ATL so all the pineapples are DL and this is his safe space to skate.”

again: HIS safe space.
someone else’s safe space is completely different than ours.
WE might have lower boundaries but other people might not.
from what i’ve seen,
he is a good skater and looks even better.

We can do whatever we want but when others react,
we can’t act shocked in victim.

i feel the same with straights pranking,
disturbing others while they’re eating,
and harassing retail workers.
what is happening that we have become so pressed for attention?

what audience does this appeal to?

Are people laughing with them or at them?

folks be so attentionisto/nista,
they think they live on this planet alone.

some people didn’t need a phone with a camera attached.

If you wouldn't say it on live TV with all your family and friends watching, without getting canceled or locked up, don't say it on here. Stay on topic, no SPAM, and keep it respectful. Thanks!