did anyone catch second hand embarrassment for jerrod carmicheal with tyler the creator?

The following gave me second hand embarrassment.

i’m starting to realize you can’t tell certain pineapples that you are into them.
it goes beyond just a fear of rejection.
it’s like a game of “i just randomly landed on his dick and here we are“.
it also is a “crush killer” too.
the person who reveals their true feelings vocally first loses the game.
the person who can get the other to reveal their interest by body language wins.
jerrod carmicheal lost when it came to revealing his crush to tyler the creator

did this pineapple go fart in a closet?
tyler the creator doesn’t come off like the type you can be honest with.
he is on “class clown” energy all the time.
a grown-ass high schooler.
he ain’t serious about nothing yet if ever.
the wild part is:

Both Jerrod AND TTC give heavy “white only apply”.

this rejection might further push jerrod away from even trying again with black males.
for some males,
it takes one time to fully dismiss the entire race.
you see the straights use the “i got hurt in kindergarten” to be hoes.

i’ve been around males who act like tyler.
even if they cute and you like em,
you gotta let them come to you.
pay them dust but remember,
they gonna go about their shit like undeveloped teenagers.
that wouldn’t be sexy to me but to each their own.
unless you are 110% sure in that moment…

I think it’s best to let the “crush” reveal happen unspoken.

you gotta catch a pineapple in the heat of the moment.
he does something sus to you; you mirror it.
anything else,
like how jerrod did with tyler,
is cringe af.

lowkey: you have to observe these pineapples.
if they not taking anything else serious,
why’d you think they’d take you serious in a serious moment?

5 thoughts on “did anyone catch second hand embarrassment for jerrod carmicheal with tyler the creator?

  1. This whole show was hard to watch. From sucking that white man toes to Tyler the creator acting like a 4 yr old.

      1. Don’t hate on the toe sukn gang Jamari! I’ll suck some (pretty) feet, but I’ll be damned if you see me on cam (esp not a TV show) sukn some white man’s toes. I haven’t even seen the show yet but heard about that clip. Jerrod needs his azz beat for that!

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