12,500 feet under the sea and ya’ll choose to do this with 250k?

back in barbados,
we have a submarine that takes you out for a spin around the ocean.
it doesn’t go very far and as a kid,
i thought it was the coolest thing ever.
as an adult,
my anxiety refuses to step foot in that thing ever again.
as someone who was obsessed with the titanic,
i’m hear to font ya’ll about that missing submarine,

All them people are dead.

…and even if they are alive down there,
it’s only a matter of time before they die once the oxygen runs out.
this is a video of how far down the titanic is and where they might be:

this is the sub they are on:

…and it’s very dark and cold down there.
not only that,
the pressure might have ripped that entire submarine apart.

The nightmare fuel I’m getting if they are just sitting down there waiting to die.

with a 250k price tag,
they could have found something else to do.
not only that:

That is a graveyard for a ton of lost souls.

it’s like the world trade center in new yawk.
that whole area is a graveyard of all those who perished during 9/11.
at least you can get yo ass on the train and be away from there.
you can’t just leave if your ride stops working under the sea.
very sad story but a lesson to other thrill seekers who probably won’t care.

lowkey: i heard they are stuck IN the titanic.
that is fuckin’ scary.
( x read here )

3 thoughts on “12,500 feet under the sea and ya’ll choose to do this with 250k?

  1. i’ve heard they run out oxygen on Thursday but it’s most likely they’re already gone. This was a tragedy waiting to happen. Everything about it.

    I can think of so many fun/better things one could’ve done on this planet with 250k.

    1. For 250K??? This is a classic example of people with too damn much money and don’t know what to do with it!

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